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In the foggy darkness of a forest in Britain, Mavis wore a long flowing fuschia and gold trimmed Medieval dress running after her brother looking like a sort of boy-king with a cheap plastic gold crown that came from a costume store chases after a stray tawny British Shorthair cat with a sword in his right hand. "Jake are you sure this stray cat you met at the faire is the key to finding King Arthur?"
"Have a little faith, sis. Excalipurr hadn't led us astray so far since we met him and if we keep up the pace we'll be at Avalon in no... time?"
They skid to a sudden halt staring out towards a vast eerie looking misty lake.

"I bet you're wondering what we're doing possibly lost out in the wilderness and why my brother and I are looking like came out of a Renaissance medieval faire. Well it's a pretty long and involved story that happened not too long ago that involves us, and for some reason a stray cat Jake befriended and named Excalipurr."

Mavis and Jake's Epic Adventures: The Quest for King ArthurNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ