Face Mask & Blackhead Reducer.

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating in a long time, I've been studying for SAT's which are next month and I'm stressing out. Sorry! 

Okay, well, this diy mask can be used for your entire face or just for areas that have blackheads. 

What you’ll need:

2 tbsp baking soda

1 tsp lemon juice (bottle or from a fresh lemon

* Note that these measurements are what I use. You can use whatever ratio works best for you! I personally like mine to be very thick, but if you want it to be more like a paste or cream, add more lemon juice until you’re content!

So, grab a small bowl and dump in two level tablespoons of baking soda. Pour out one teaspoon of lemon juice and dump it into the bowl, too. It’s going to fizz a lot and turn a pale yellow colour; that’s good! Mix it together with a spoon (or something) until you get a nice, yellow-y paste. It might not look like much, but these measurements produce enough to cover your entire face and neck. Next, if you’re not already there, take your mixture into the washroom and rub it generously over your face, making sure to get right in beside your nose and below your bottom lip (blackhead-prone spots!). It might sting/tingle/burn a little, that’s just fine too. I myself have very sensitive skin, and I can use this mixture for a half hour at a time without harming my skin or causing redness.

If the mixture is running off your face, mix in pinch by pinch more baking soda until it stays on without a problem. If it is too thick, add a smidgen more lemon. Leave the mixture on anywhere from 20-30 minutes. I leave it on for 30 for MAXIMUM STRENGTH! (hehe!), but if you’re worried about the stinging/burning/tingling, go ahead an wash it off. When you’re ready to, get your hands wet with warm water and scrub the baking soda mixture over your face (the exfoliant), then rinse it all off. Right away you should see better looking blackheads, clearer, brighter skin; and maybe even reduction in size of some pimples! Even if your skin is clear and you decide to use this, your skin should look brighter.

Using straight lemon juice as a toner twice a day (or once if it is drying your skin) will help to reduce pore size over time. Tea tree oil also works great. You should also be using a moisturizer twice a day that compliments your skin type (ie: dry, oily, combination, acne prone etc) which will help get rid of your pores. 

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