DIY Clarifying Hair Rinse!

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Hi everyone, 

Clarifying shampoos are wonderful for brightening your hair and giving it new life. Shampoo and conditioner don’t always get rid of all the dirt, grease, and leftover product, leaving your hair lackluster and dull. If you need a less expensive alternative to the clarifying shampoos on the market, there’s an easy DIY hair rinse to revitalize your luscious locks. All you need is a little bit of apple cider vinegar! 

 Apple cider vinegar has an ingredient called acetic acid, which is what breaks down any build up on your hair and scalp. It will also balance the hair’s pH level to give you more shine and to bring out the color. A bonus is that apple cider vinegar will kill bacteria, so you know that your hair will be beautiful and germ-free afterwards.

Follow these easy steps for my DIY clarifying hair rinse:

After you’ve shampooed your hair, apply 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your hair and scalp. Leave it in for five minutes.

Rinse the vinegar out with warm water and then cold water. The hot water opens up the pores in your hair so that the apple cider vinegar truly penetrates the hair shaft, while the cold water will seal your hair, making it even shinier. Then condition your hair as you usually would. Just be sure to avoid getting any vinegar in your eyes while you do this!

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