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The planet had once again made a full rotation around Homeworlds sun, the sun rose in the distance, providing light for the hard working gems of the ever expanding city. But this was the least interesting thing at the moment, the talk of the town was of the newly announced "unique" gem called Chrysolite. White Diamond herself had announced her return to the whole empire, so of course there were many gems who wanted to admire this apparently very important gem.

"Did you hear? The Diamond announced the 'return' of a 'Chrysolite'!" Said a Zircon.

"I wonder if she's able to fight?!" An excited Quartz yelled.

"I heard she was the first gem to have ever taken form after White Diamond."

"No way!"

Rumours spread like wildfire, to say that Chrysolite was nervous was the understatement of the Era. One moment she woke up realizing she's been trapped in a bubble for centuries, then she's suppose to be this ELITE gem, there are suddenly thousands of other gems- and now she has to set an example for other gems, but she herself doesn't even know what a 'good example' looked like!

"Sigh... Oh stars why me?" grumbled Chrysolite into her palm, the only other gems that actually knew what she looked like were White Diamond, the group of Jades she accidentally ran into, and those Topaz guards. Speaking of which, the exact same Topaz that she met outside her chamber and three others were now instructed to be Chrysolites personal guards, all of them didn't really know if this was a good or bad thing. But Chrysolite knew one thing for sure, this... Was going to be hard. 'I'll just take this one step at a time I guess.' thought the stressed gem.

Right now, Chrysolite was exploring her new laboratory White Diamond had made for her. For a place of experimentation, and possible death, it looked rather welcoming, the entrance was obviously sized up for her height, which had a front desk and six empty pedestals, three on ether side of the entrance room. Why they were empty? She had no idea. Maybe White Diamond was kind enough to leave Chrysolite to decide for herself whatever she would like to occupy them?

Moving on, she walked past two other rooms, they had small desks and chairs inside them, perhaps later on she would attain followers of her own? She did a little dance of excitement while smiling happily. She heard giggles behind her, slowly realising that she still had her Topaz guards following her. She mentally facepalmed herself 'How could've I forgotten? I literally have an entire squad of Topaz guards-' She spun around glaring at the said gems. She noticed a few of them flinch back into a straight position, the rest didn't seem to laugh at all, thank the stars.

"Something funny?" Said Chrysolite dryly, she did her best to sound serious but a little bit of embarrassment could be heard in her voice. "N-no my clarity!" one of the front Topaz replied. "No no, tell me what was so funny?"

"Uh, well..." The Topaz shifted around, glancing nervously at the others around her who were trying to not acknowledge her existence. "Your dance just... Caught me off guard! I swear there was no sour intent behi-" Chrysolite shushed her with her index finger laying on her lips, she stared at the Topaz for a second before she herself began to break, a small smirk itched its way across her face before releasing a humorous huff. "It was pretty, funny wasn't it?" Chrysolites giggle soon turned into a small laugh, the Topaz's had never been so confused. Was this some sort of trick?

"Is...It not funny anymore?" Chrysolite asked. The Topaz's once again flinched, but not out of fear, out of surprise. "My clarity, may I ask you a personal question?" There was a little moment of silence before Chrysolite replied "Sure, go ahead." A Topaz stepped forward, most likely the one who asked for Chrysolites permission. "How long had you been bubbled exactly, my clarity?" Chrysolite opened her mouth to respond, but seemed to have thought against it as she recoiled and placed her fist over her mouth to think about the question, a whole minute of silence went by before Chrysolite finally responded "I... Don't know."

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