Chapter 7

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Amaria, Devlyn and Ananke stood outside of a raggedy two story building near the center of the village. They were staring at, taking in the darkened windows, the roof that was filled with holes, and the termite infested wood that made up the exterior walls. The sign that simply read 'INN' in big bold lettering dangled from a single nail that remained in one of the wooden corners of the sign. The building itself looked like it had been abandoned long before they had gotten there and could pass as being haunted. 

"Doesn't look like anyone is home." 

Ananke stated, looking towards her two traveling companions for their opinion. 

"I don't think anyone has been home for quite some time." 

Amaria added, sighing softly as she turned her attention onto Devlyn and Ananke. She didn't keep her attention on them for long, turning it back to the building that stood in front of them. 

"If no one is there, I don't see any reason why we couldn't stay the night inside."

"What if the owner is just out? They could come back at any time if that is the case." 

Thinking on each and every possibility, Amaria didn't want to force her way into someone's business. Then again, she could remember a time when the inn was bustling with people. A time when rooms were always filled, people occupied the pub downstairs. Music and laughter coming from within as the village community celebrated and enjoyed one's company. She could remember how sweet and kind the inn keeper and her family were when she and her parents would visit the village during their many festivals. It was a place of memories that now sat shrouded in decay. 

"Don't worry about the owner returning, she and her family left when people started disappearing." 

The trio all turned when an unknown male voice cut into their conversation. Standing behind them was an old man that appeared to be somewhere in his sixties or seventies. His hair was thinning and graying to the point it was nearly white, salt and pepper stubble covered the old man's leathery face as if he had yet to shave that day. The man had a slight hunch, but if you looked into his dark blue eyes you could see all the wisdom and stories he had gathered within his lifetime. Stories waiting to be told and wisdom waiting to be given to those who wanted them. 

"You knew the owner?" 

"Sure as hell did, everyone knew Peg and her family. Good bunch of people, sad to see them leave." 

Amaria, Devlyn, and Ananke looked between one another as if trying to decide if they could trust this man only to look back towards him. It was Amaria that took the first wary step forward, curiosity overwhelming her once more. 

"My name is Amaria, my family use to visit the inn quite often before. . ." 

She paused, not wanting to continue with that sentence. As she spoke, the old man had his own curious look that swam within his eyes and crossed over his face as he furrowed his brows. 

". . .well, my family use to visit quite often. Peg was like an Aunt to me. . ." 

"Mari? Little Mari Silverbird, is that you?" 

Stopping, stunned by yet another one of her nicknames being known by this man along with her last name, Amaria's curiosity rose. She could feel Devlyn and Ananke's own curious gazes locked on the back of her head, waiting for her to answer the man that stood across from them. 

"Yes, Mari was just one of my many nicknames I was given. I'm sorry, but do I know you?" 

The old man gave a full bellied laugh at Amaria's response to his question, the laugh quickly turning into a cough as his lungs emptied of their oxygen and fought to regain it back. Once recovered, clearing his throat and lungs a bit, he smiled towards Amaria. The old man gave her a once over and chuckled. 

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