Chapter Five

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I clearly do not own the magnificent work of art that is Harry Potter

~Written by LaGranPepita

Lily Evans and James Potter were utterly oblivious idiots.

That's the only explanation as to why they still aren't together yet. Rhea had thought that one simple action would have made them realize their feelings for each other (or create feelings for each other), then confess.

It is clear that this is not the case. So, Rhea's going to have to do a bit more work than she had previously expected to do, but she is determined to fix the future. If having to play a petty matchmaker will save the world, Rhea will deal with it.

Which is why she is standing in front of Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin dressed as a Hufflepuff student using her grandmother's name Maia trying to convince them to help her.

"So," Remus Lupin starts slowly, open book in his hands and critical eye looking at Rhea, "let me get this straight. You think Lily Evans and James should get together. The Lily Evans who hates James' guts? The James Potter who despises Evans?"

Rhea nods eagerly. "Precisely. They're adorable together, but incredibly oblivious."

Complete silence. Well, until Sirius Black jumps up in joy. "Finally! Someone else who gets it!"

Rhea smiles and stops holding her breath in anticipation that she didn't know she was holding. "So, you'll help me?"

Black nods so quickly that Rhea is somewhat impressed that his head didn't fall off. "Of course! But how are we going to do it?"

Lupin places a bookmark in his book gently, meeting Rhea's eyes. "I'm assuming you have an idea, correct? You wouldn't spend half an hour explaining what you want to do without having a plan to do it."

Rhea grins. "Well, I did have one idea in mind." The Marauder's lean forward, intrigued, making Rhea's grin widen. "Here's what we're going to do..."


James knew something was up the moment he walked back into the Gryffindor Common room.

No, it wasn't because of the sheer mass of people who were crowded into the room, though that did contribute a bit to the idea that something was wrong. Actually, it was when Lily Evans had decided to walk back with him to the dorms without a single word. James didn't say anything, either, but he thought that her silence was disturbing and strange.

So, when they both walked into the common room and lay their eyes upon what seems to be every single Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff that reside in Hogwarts to be crowded in one common room, James thought Lily did this. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Lily looked as confused as he was, so the idea that this was her scheme was balled up and thrown out the window, unlike the dread that filled him when he walked in.

The dread was probably because of the way Sirius was grinning maniacally at him. Yeah, definitely his fault.

Remus, who had been quietly reading their Transfiguration textbook, places his book down (James had to repress a smirk at the information on the page: Animagi) and stood up, Sirius and Peter following his lead. Sirius cheerfully grabbed James by the arm and dragged him until they were at the front of the room as Remus gently led Lily towards a small spot on the floor.

Once everyone was situated and quiet, Remus started talking. "Okay, I assume everyone is curious as to why you are here." At everyone's eager nods and suspicious faces, Remus continued. "Well, Sirius and I, along with an anonymous individual, thought that us students need to lighten up a little with the stress of exams coming up."
"Is..Is this another prank that we've unknowingly fallen into?" An older Ravenclaw girl asks, staring at them with unwavering suspicion.

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