Chapter Four

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Written by BookwormCM18. You're crazy if you think I own Harry Potter.


It was harmless, really. No one actually got hurt. But when James Potter voiced these thoughts, he was immediately silenced with a sharp look from Professor Minerva McGonagall. Sentenced to detention with Professor Binns, all he can do is sit in silence until it is time for his punishment.


"Is everything ready?"

Out of all the Marauders, Moony is the most nervous, which is a change, because Wormtail usually does all of the worrying. But today's prank is one that has been prepared for since September, and it's mid-March.

The prank will go off at noon sharp; everything had been set up the previous night. It was supposed to turn every single solid wall into a material similar to glass.

Picture it: Hogwarts, made of glass. Every turn you take, you will see exactly what is going on inside all the rooms. It is an exciting thought, and they can't wait to make it a reality.

The spell is an easy one, as there is a simple spell to turn stone into glass, and all of the walls and ceilings of Hogwarts are made out of old stone. Moony had created some sort of bomb, then rigged it to go off at a specific time, which would set the spell free. For that, Padfoot had snuck into Hogsmeade and procured a 'Magic Box' from Zonko's.

Need a place to store magic so you can prank your friends without any effort? Check out our new product, the Magic Box! (Description below.)

The item may seem really useful and handy for self-protection, or something, but, as it turns out before Zonko's could create the merchandise, they had to make a deal with the Ministry of Magic and get some sort of patent; it was all really confusing.

All the Marauders know is that the item can only be used for a prank, and there are procedures taken at the shop to ensure that. But for this master prank, anything will be done. So they waited and waited and waited, for months on end, until they finally got the box.

Everything was set up perfectly, and all the loopholes are ruled out. Now all they had to do is wait for noon, and months of planning will finally get rewarded.

It worked! That is until it stopped working.

Three hours of glorious triumph until McGonagall finally found proof that the Marauders had something to do with it.

Prongs is taking a stroll through a corridor, and once he knows he is alone, he kneels and takes out the notebook the Marauders had been using to plan this prank. Just to double-check the limitations of the spell and all that nerdy stuff Moony told him to do. But he should have known.

For once, one of the Marauders' pranks has backfired on them, because through the now glass wall blocking the corridor, a specific Lily Evans stalks up to James and asks him what he was doing.

"What do you mean, 'What am I doing? I can do whatever I want!"

"Yes, you can, unless you're doing it in the most secluded corridor in Hogwarts!"

"It's just a random place I decided to sit down! Anyway, how do you even know what the most secluded place in Hogwarts is? Did your Death-Eater boyfriend show you?"

Before Lily could retort, a curt voice from behind them speaks

"What is going on here?"


When Minerva McGonagall asks this question, she doesn't expect what she gets. Especially from Lily.

Two voices simultaneously argue over each other.

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