Chapter 11 - Lost Planet

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Obi Wan and Freya headed to one of, if not, the biggest room in the Jedi Temple. The Library. Two levels are lit up by the stacks of panels as far as the eye can see. They stood patiently waiting for Madame Jocasta Nu, the librarian to come and assist them.

"Did you know him?" Freya asked as she looked to Obi Wan, who was looking at a bust of Count Dooku.

"No, but I knew of him. He was Qui-Gon's master," Obi Wan replied.

"Really?" Freya asked with a giggle.

"What?" Obi Wan asked, Freya just shook her head and continued to laugh at the thoughts in her head, "Why are you laughing?"

"I'm just trying to imagine Qui-Gon as a youngling, a Padawan," Freya started, she then looked at Obi Wan, "With you it's not that hard. You were still kind of baby-faced when we met you. Not anymore though. Now you're old," Obi Wan snapped his head towards the girl, with a slight glare on his face.

"Did you just call me old?" he asked, Freya shrugged her shoulders with a bob of her head, "I am thirty-"

"Did you call for assistance?" a voice asked from behind them. The two turned to look at the librarian, Madame Jocasta.

"Yes, yes I did," Obi-Wan responded, with a nod of his head.

"Do you have a problem, Master Kenobi?" the librarian asked.

"Yes, you could say that," Obi Wan replied as he continued to glare at the girl who in return smiled at him innocently. The Jedi Master rolled his eyes and turned back to the librarian, "I'm looking for a planetary system called Kamino. It doesn't show up on the archive charts." They stepped towards the computer screen that Obi-Wan had been on. He sat down on the chair in front of the chair with Freya and Madame Jocasta stood beside him.

"Kamino? It's not a system I'm familiar with. Are you sure you have the right coordinates?"

"According to our information, it should be in this quadrant here," said Obi-Wan, his finger gesturing to one section of the screen, "Just south of the Rishi Maze." The Librarian leant over and pressed a couple of keys. After searching further, she stood up straight, "I hate to say it, but it looks like the system you're searching for does not exist,"

"Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete." Obi Wan spoke, shaking his head. He trusted Dex and he hadn't been wrong before.

"If an item doesn't appear in our records, it does not exist," Jocasta said before turning to assist a young Padawan who was waiting patiently behind her.

"What now?" Freya asked, as Obi Wan continued to stare at the screen in front of him.

"I'm not sure. Dex seemed absolutely certain that dart came from Kamino," Obi Wan spoke as he thought back to the conversation at the diner.

"Maybe it did," Freya put forward, Obi Wan opened his mouth to speak but shut it again and just gestured to the empty space on the screen, "Maybe someone doesn't want anyone to find it,"

"Are you suggesting someone erased it. Impossible. No one would do that," Obi Wan argued.

"Then what do you suggest?" Freya asked impatiently.

"Perhaps we should ask Master Yoda," Obi Wan replied, downloading the information onto a hologlobe and putting it in his pocket.


Freya walked beside Obi Wan as they walked through the blue carpeted hall, with a bounce in her step, "I'm glad you have a lot of energy, young one. It's gonna be a long day," Obi Wan told her. They walk towards a room where Master Yoda was currently teaching some younglings.

"Reach out. Sense the Force around you. Use your feelings you must," Master Yoda instructed as the younglings deflected bolts from the remote, they're vision blocked by the helmets they were wearing. They were using the force to guide them. As the two entered, Master Yoda started tapping  his cane on the floor to gain their attention, "Younglings. Younglings!" the remotes then flew higher as the younglings all lifted their helmets to look at Yoda, "Visitors we have,"

"Hello, Master Obi Wan. Hello, Padawan Freya," they greeted.

"Hello," Obi Wan greeted back, Freya waved at them. She wanted to tell them that they were doing a good job but she knew it wasn't her place to do that. Obi Wan turned to Master Yoda, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Master."

"What help can I be, Obi Wan? Hmm?" Master Yoda asked, looking up at the Jedi before him.

"I'm looking for a planet described to me by an old friend. I trust him, but the systems don't show up on the archive maps." Obi Wan replied, perplexity on his features as he explained his dilemma to Yoda.

"Mmm. Lost a planet Master Obi Wan has. How embarrassing," Master Yoda commented, earning giggles from the small children and from Freya, "How embarrassing," He turned to a young human boy, "Liam, the shades," the boy obeyed the master and shut the shades, filling the room with darkness. Obi Wan walked to the map reader and placed the hologlobe on it, "Gather round the map reader. Clear your mind and find Obi Wan's wayward planet we will," 

The hologlobe displayed a star map, the section where Kamino should be, "It ought to be..." Obi Wan started as he walked through the stars and pointed, "here, but it isn't. Gravity is pulling all the stars in the area towards this spot,"

"Hmm. Gravity's silhouette remains, but the star and all the planets, disappeared they have. How could this be?" Master Yoda asked, looking around his class, "Hmm? A thought? Anyone?"

"Master?" A boy spoke, his hand raised, "Because someone erased it from the archive memory,"

"Truly wonderful the mind of a child is," Master Yoda chuckled, "The Padawan is right. Go to the centre of Gravity's pull and find your planet, you will," Master Yoda and Obi Wan start walking towards the door, where Freya is standing. Obi Wan turned slightly, raising his hand and using the Force to transport the hologlobe into his hand, "Hmm. The data must have been erased,"

"Butm Master Yoda," Obi Wan started as he returned the hologlobe to his pocket and then crossing his arms, "Who could empty information from the archives? That's impossible isn't it?"

"Dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is. Only a Jedi could have erased those files," Master Yoda replied, stroking his small, wrinkled chin, "But who and why, harder to answer. Meditate on this I will. Hmm,"

Obi Wan and Freya then left the room, leaving the younglings to continue their lesson, "I apologise. You were right and I shouldn't have been so quick to reject your suggestion,"

"It's alright," Freya replied with a shrug.

"No it's not. With the way your master speaks about you, I should have trusted you more. One day you'll make a great Master. I'm glad to have your assistance, even if you did call me old," Obi Wan told her with a smile which caused Freya to smile to as she remembered Obi Wan's face when she did call him old, "Come on, trouble. Let's go," Obi Wan called as he led the way towards the hanger. Off to find the mysterious planet.

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