Chapter 10 - New Assignments

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The next morning, Freya, Anakin and Obi Wan went to the Jedi Council to inform them about the bounty hunter.

"Track down this bounty hunter you must, Obi Wan," Master Yoda instructed, jabbing his small green finger in Obi Wan's direction.

"Most importantly, find out who he's working for," Master Windu added.

"What about Senator Amidala?" Obi-Wan questioned. "She will still need protecting." Anakin looked at Freya, he thought that she was going to continue to protect her. He returned his gaze to Yoda, straightening his posture when he found the Jedi already looking at him.

"Handle that, your Padawan will." Master Yoda replied.

"Anakin, escort the Senator back to her home planet of Naboo. She'll be safer there. And don't use registered transport. Travel as refugees." Mace Windu advised.

"What about me, master? Am I still to protect Senator Amidala?" Freya asked, confused as to what her role was.

"Injured, you are," Master Yoda answered.

"But I could still protect her. I can still be useful, master," she pushed further. Yoda and Mace Windu looked each other as if they were having a silent conversation.

"We feel that the two of you can't be on an assignment unattended. With that being said, you will help Obi Wan find the bounty hunter," Mace Windu spoke. Freya looked at her master, debating whether or not to protest, he shook his head at her, knowing that she wanted to argue. She dropped the matter and looked to her brother.

"You're about to find out exactly how stubborn she is," Freya laughed, she returned her gaze to Master Windu, "She is the leader of the Loyalist Committee which is the opposition to the Military Creation Act, it will be very difficult to get her to leave the capital."

"Until caught this killer is, our judgment she must respect," Yoda replied.

"Anakin, go to the Senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her about this matter," Mace Windu instructed, the three Jedi bow their heads to the council and left the room.


Obi Wan and Freya walked through the temple discussing how they were going to find the bounty hunter.

"I know someone that may be able to tell us where the dart came from," Freya put forward. She knew someone from when she was younger. Her and Dia always went to get their drinks from the same place after their training.

"I know someone too," Obi Wan nodded, 

"We shall go to your contact first, Master Kenobi," Freya responded, 

"It was your idea, or at least you spoke it first. So we shall go-"

"Yes but you're the master, I follow your lead," Freya spoke, cutting him off. Sure she trusted her contact but she was the Padawan and she was to respect him even if he wasn't her master. Obi Wan smiled and stopped walking, turning to the young girl.

"Are you sure you are related to Anakin?" he asked, his tone serious but the smile on his face suggested he was joking.

"Yes, I'm sure," Freya responded. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed her master, Yoda and Mace Windu heading towards them.

"Would you excuse us for a moment, young Padawan?" Mace Windu asked, Freya nodded and bowed before leaving them to discuss whatever.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to go with your brother," her master apologised.

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