Eevee: f*ck!

She ran to find shelter from the rain, during her run she found a cave but inside that cave was lots of Rattatas and one Raticate, they were about to attack that Pichu with a spiky ear. When she first saw that Pichu he was fear in his eyes. The Raticate told them to attack him and they did. During that Eevee and her personalities watch the whole thing, her personalities were enjoying this but Eevee wasn't, so she ran in the cave and used shadow ball on them.

Eevee: leave that Pichu alone!

The Raticate ordered the others to attack her and that's what they did. During the fight her personalities tole her to kill them all but she doesn't feel like it and doesn't want to kill in front of Pichu. Instead she use her sharp claws and bite, eventually they all fainted and luckily not killed. After that she saw the Pichu who was awed and supriced, Eevee was about to leave the cave but was stopped by Pichu.

Pichu: why did you help me?

Eevee wanted to because she couldn't stand seeing someone small like him being almost killed. But one of her personality took over on what she's gonna say.

Eevee/Flareon: because I feel like it.

Eevee: (damn it Flareon!)

Flareon: tee-hee!

Pichu: I-I know we just met but i-if it's not to much to ask! Will you... be my friend?

Eevee was suprice by this, a Pokemon asked him to be his friend. One of the voices try to take over and say no but she stopped them.

Eevee: yes!

With that, Pichu ran up to her and hugged, but Eevee was having and none of that yet for some reason. And it wasn't the voice this time.

Eevee: don't touch me!

Pichu: sorry!

The rain had finally stopped and both Pichu and Eevee walked out of the cave, Eevee was thinking about to herself why she did that.

Eevee: (why did I growled at him and told him to don't touch me?)

Espeon: that's because you're finally becoming like us and saying scary things without us.

Umbreon: and pretty soon he will leave you.

Eevee: we'll see about that!

Pichu: see about what?

Eevee: nothing!

So, during there time together they seem to get along but during those months Eevee started getting angry at him, threatening him, and sometimes get into trouble. Pichu tried asking why she's doing this but she doesn't respond, the real reason why is because of her personalities taking over her and sometimes she does those on her own. But no matter what she always do, Pichu always stay with her and this suprice Eevee and the Eeveelutions voices. Time passes and they heard rumors from humans and Pokemon that there is a cave filled with evolution stones, they decided to check it out so they could evolved. On their way they were ambushed by Team Skull, Pichu cried for help while Eevee was about to rip they're spines out. But a large chubby yellow certain alien wearing a metal mask along with a Popplio, Fennekin, and Froakie came to the rescue and you all know what happens next.

ChamAlien P.O.V

Eevee: and that's my story.

After Eevee was done telling her story about her pass we were all shocked and sad about her. She was born in an underground lab and being experiment on and they gave her multiple personality disorders telling her to kill. Also that might explained why she could smell Z-Crystals miles away.

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