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"I've told you already, you just close your eyes and manifest what it says on the paper" Kingsley shacklebolt nodded to the crinkled paper cluched in her hands causing her to roll his eyes.

"It's stupid!" She exclaimed in a huff, "There's nothing there!"

"Just close your eyes" he grunted in annoyance.


Closing her eyes with a shrug she expected to be greeted by nothing.

But when opening them again her jaw dropped and eyes went wide.

"Where the fuck did that come from!!" She exclaimed in shock.

"Language" he chuckled, grabbing her arm and dragging her up the stairs as they laughed giddily.

Kingsley was her Uncle. Well he wasn't. They weren't related by blood, but he had adopted her when she was 5 years old from an orphanage on Dumbledores ordered and raised as his own when finding out her talents.

They had a Uncle-niece relationship, not a father and daughter one. They teased each other and hated each other most of the time, but one way or the other, they would both die for the other.

She watched him wrap on the door, the light breeze running through her brown locks whilst she listened to the dozen locks go behind the door and the black entrance creak open.

"Oh Shacklebolt" Came a low and cheery voice, "Good to see you"

"Black" Kingsley greeted with a nod, entering the house and gesturing with his head for her to follow.

"And you've brought a guest...what's yr name love?" The man still stood at the door, her back to him as she hung her coat against the wrack, spoke gently.

"Willow Banks" she mumbled absentmindedly, her eyes scanning the large corridor, rather impressed.

"Unfortunate name" The man smirked as she let out an agreeing scoff.

"Yeah...tell me about I-" turning her head to meet the mans gaze finally, the words on the tip of her tongue seemed to simply vanish.

He had jet black hair, long and curly, falling down to just below his chin, piercing and intriguing blueish grey eyes and a permanent smirk on his thin and rosy lips covered by gentle stubble.

Her eyes fell from his face curiously down to his attire.

He wore a forest green button up shirt with a black waist coat and tight black pants.

Perfectly tight, she thought to herself with a smirk.

"Not subtle are you?" His voice snapped her back to reality, her head shooting back up as she blushed furiously with wide eyes.

"I-I was just-" she stammered for the right words, watching his smirk grow even wider.

"You were checking me out point denying it" he whispered playfully, before ushering her into the kitchen, his hand on her low back, unaware of the scolding she was putting herself through internally.

"Right so Molly with the towel, twins next to her, you'll learn to tell them apart eventually, it took me a while" Sirius mumbled at her side, stood in front of the opening of the door, hand still on the bottom of her back as he pointed to everyone individually, but all she could focus on was that warm, gentle hand.

"Arthur, Tonks, Moody in the corner, I think she's called Vance, honestly don't know or care and Moony will be here soon" he finished, pointing to the chair in front of them as she took her seat and smiled at everyone sheepishly.

You can't choose both ( R.j.Lupin/ Sirius Black)Where stories live. Discover now