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It was the middle of the night when Willow woke up.

Feeling Remus jolt next to her with sweat running down his face and his eyes clenched shut. He was muttering in his sleep, begging someone or something, crying out in pain, as she watched in confusion.

"R-Remus?" She whispered, placing her hand on his upper arm.

"N-no...no please!" He whimpered in sleep, shaking his head against the pillow, his arm around Willow's waist and his chest heaving up and down, "N-no...no I don't want to-I don't want to hurt her"

"Remus!"She shouted in fear, shaking his shoulders rapidly and watching his eyes snap open, lips parted in a terrified pant, chest heaving up and down, his manic and tear filled eyes locked onto hers.

"W-what...what the hell were you dreaming about?" She whispered gently, bringing his head into her chest, and stroking the back of his hair, feeling him let out a shaky breath of relief against her clothes, his hand holding her waist tightly against him.

"I-I..." he croaked out, "I-I'm sorry"

"What?" She asked softly, pressing her lips against his head, "What are you sorry about?"

"I-I...I hurt you" he whispered back, barely audible, she nearly missed it, but when feeling him practically melt under her touch in relief, knowing she was there, she didn't push any further.

She simply let him drift back against her, her hand running through his soft strands of mousy hair, until the sun came up.

She walked into the kitchen the next morning, absolutely exhausted. Eyes stinging, head pounding, and in great need of a coffee.

"Morning" she croaked out to Molly, kissing the woman on the cheek as the ginger sent a grateful smile back.

"Goodmorning sweetie, sleep well?" She beamed, hearing the brunette let out a small scoff as she filled two cups with tea, "No?"

"Um...no not really, but it's okay" she tried to force a smile as she passed her the chipped mug and dropped down into a seat next to her, head in her hands, attempting to keep herself awake.

"Does this concern a certain man...who I may or may not have heard you shouting at to wake up at all hours this morning?" Molly asked kindly, watching the brunette lift her hand out of her face and send her an apologetic look.

"Crap! I didn't mean to wake you I-"

"Oh don't be silly dear, I was already awake" she laughed waving her off.

"Oh..." she breathed in relief, "And yeah...it is"

"Well, coming from experience, I think I could be the perfect person to talk to" the bushy haired woman smiled kindly, resting her hand against the girls.

"H-how...how would you understand?" She asked not rudely, yet slightly hopefully.

"Oh Arthur use to get them all the time" Molly chuckled, "It was a pain in the back side I tell you that, but it was just because he was scared"

"Scared? Scared of what?"

"Losing the people he loved sweetheart" Molly sighed gently.

"When did they start?" Willow heard a voice from the door, turning round and seeing Sirius leaning against the frame, not really looking at her, but more to the floor.


"When did they start? Like...precisely" he pressed, waving his hand in the air awkwardly.

"Um...just last night, it's never happened before...Why?" Willow shook her head in confusion, eye brows knitted together as she looked at the man who was letting out a pained sigh, and running a hand over his face.

You can't choose both ( R.j.Lupin/ Sirius Black)Where stories live. Discover now