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"You're up early?" Sirius called from the kitchen table as she took her seat and kissed her Uncle on the cheek.

"It's wednesday" Kingsley mumbled absentmindedly as if it were obvious.

"And that means..." Sirius chuckled in confusion.

"I always watch the-" she was cut off when the kitchen door creaked open and Remus walked in shyly.

"Goodmorning" he announced with a polite smile, taking his seat opposite Willow on the other side of the table.

"You were saying?" Sirius gritted his teeth slightly noticing her eyes locked on to his friends.

"Huh?" she shot her head back to him, "Oh, yeah I watch the sunrise every morning"

She tried to ignore the small smile Remus had against his lips, that she could see out of the corner of her eyes whilst she spoke to Sirius who looked slightly befuddled.

"You watch the sunrise every  Wednesday?" he repeated with scrunched up eyes, "What's the point in that?"

"It's beautiful" Remus mumbled across from her, looking down at the table awkwardly whilst he played with the handle of his teacup.

"Ha!" Sirius laughed, "Like you would ever get up at 6 in the morning to see a bloody sun pop up"

"Actually Black..." Willow piped up matter of factly, slightly annoyed by his dismissive manner before Remus simply shook his head in a a plead for her not to say anything.

He had always been like that. Never once sticking up for himself, back in Hogwarts she found herself doing it alot for him because a man as kind and caring as he should not be treated the way he was.

"What Darling?" Sirius smirked, leaning forward slightly so he was closer to her a smug look on his face, "Actually what?"

She could feel his body heat radiate off of him. His strong cologne that invaded her nostrils and caused her eyes to flicker shut at the smell.

"N-nothing" she whispered with a hard swallow, "Actually nothing"

"Thought so" he whispered back playfully as she rolled her eyes and nudged him with her leg under the table.

When she looked away from the handsome man at the end of the table she noticed that the spot where Remus once sat was now empty, and in her slight hypnosis, the illusive Sirius Black had put her in moments ago, she didn't even notice him get up and leave.

"Um Willow...can I have a word" Kingsley announced, grabbing her arm and dragging her out of the room as her eyes flew wide when she stumbled behind him.

"I'm assuming you aren't asking me how I slept?" She huffed as they stood in the empty corridor, Kingsley's face being a mixture of certainty and sternness.

"No way!" He exclaimed rather loudly, "You aren't staying here all year if all your going to do is flirt with two best mates, you aren't like that so don't start now!"

"W-what?" she stuttered, "I haven't...I haven't been flirting with anyone!"

"I just saw it!" He pointed to the door aggressively, "Sirius was being all...well Sirius, and Lupin turned a sheet bloody white and stormed out!"

"H-he...he what?" she whispered in disbelief, "No...he wouldn't because...because he doesn't see me like that surely?"

"Are you really that blind?" Kingsley scoffed.

She thought back, her eyes shooting back and forth in ponder whilst trying to recall her early morning rise with him.

"God it's beautiful isn't it?" Willow breathed in awe, her arms leaning over the railing with her cup of tea in her hand, watching the beautiful lights of the sunrise shine through the dark clouds.

You can't choose both ( R.j.Lupin/ Sirius Black)Where stories live. Discover now