Stars and sunrise

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"You two know each other?" Sirius questioned in confusion as the two people stared at each other in befuddlement, ignoring his question whilst looking over the others sorely missed face, "Hello?"

" yes" Remus piped up, snapping his eyes away from her and to his friend, as he took his seat awkwardly on the other side of Willow, "She was my student when I worked at Hogwarts, an excellent one at that"

"You taught my niece Lupin?" Kingsley questioned in ponder, "I don't remember her mentioning-"

His words were cut off as his eyes shot wide and he looked directly at her and her uncomfortable manner, looking down at at the table with a bright red face.

He remembered sitting up with her on those late nights of Christmas and Easter break, her last year of school whilst she practically melted over this "mesmerising and sophisticated new teacher" she never stopped banging on about.

"Oh Jesus Christ" he huffed, running a hand over his face and now allowing her the chance to kick him under the table in warning.

"Shut.up" she hissed, turning her head back to her old teacher and sending him a shy smile which he returned more brighter then hers.

"How have you been?" He asked kindly, his gaze running along the contours of her face, her beautifully porcelain skin, her big bright eyes and her long lashes that enveloped them.

"Yeah...yeah I've been good" she nodded awkwardly, twiddling her thumbs in her lap, not knowing where her natural confidence had disappeared to, "And you?"

"I've been fine" he sighed, conveying his statement was a lie, "You look very well"

"So do you" she stated surely, not bothering to look up from her lap, knowing fully well what he looked like, she never forgot.

That wavy hair and those beautiful eyes that always seemed to linger on her longer then the rest of her classmates.

Their awkward and shy conversation had caught the attention of the house owner, as he watched them both curiously.

Eyes flickering from Willow to Remus, the slight blushed on their cheeks, their awkward fiddles with their hands, their averted gaze. Was he missing something?

"So...where have you been this past while?" She asked curiously, watching his eyebrows raise and a slight wince appear on his face.

"Honestly...absolutely no where" he chuckled, " I've been locked up in my cottage"

"Locked up?" She repeated with furrowed brows.

"Well not literally, but it felt that way" he breathed, "And you? How is the adult life treating you?"

"Oh it's all fun and games" she joked, watching his lips quirk at the corners, "You know...lectures, work, dark wizards returning"

Her dry sarcasm never failed to send him into fits of laughter, and those fits of laughter never failed to send her stomach fluttering.

She hadn't heard it in so long.

She recalled a moment back in class where she got detention for swearing at another student and he was forced to reprimand her, despite her being in the right.

"I know you meant well but you can't curse like that Willow, I don't enjoy giving you detention" he sighed, leaning forward in his desk chair as she slumped back in the one opposite and rolled her eyes.

"He deserved it" she huffed, " Calling you a beast because you have bloody scars? Arrogant prick!"

"And you just did it again" he chuckled, shaking his head fondly.

You can't choose both ( R.j.Lupin/ Sirius Black)Where stories live. Discover now