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Harry didn't have much time to think about the strange interaction with his friends the next day though. The first thing he had to worry about now was tonight. Niall had recommended him to dress all black, so he was gonna do this. It wasn't that hard for him since he normally wore black skinny jeans. So he just dressed his usual jeans with a black hoodie and left off the jewelry. He then put a black bandana in his pocket to cover his mouth and nose later... Just in case.

Harry was a bit worried why he should dress all black. Would he have to hide from something or someone? Would he be in danger? He tried not to let all these spiraling thoughts get to his nerves too much but it was hard since he wasn't told anything specific about this night.

Actually... he didn't even know where to be or when. Since he left his phone at Zayns, they didn't have any possibility to contact him. If his friends tried to reach him they'd probably think he was ignoring them... Which he wasn't, but maybe he didn't care this much either.

He started to wonder if he could just not come and take his phone as an excuse. But even if he didn't; where should he go? Zayns house? It was the only one he knew where it was. And this would probably be the thing he'd do because he was too scared of what they would do to him if he didn't show up. All of them, not just Louis. Because it seemed to be a really big deal to them somehow...

Because he was afraid to run late he decided to rather come a bit early, so he took a bus at 8:30, since his mom was at work with their car, and arrived at Zayns at 9 pm. The house seemed even bigger without so many people in and around it and music blasting through open windows and glass doors.

He went up to the big front door and pushed the button with the name „Malik" (it was the only one btw). A melodic ringing echoed through the big entrance hall and short time later, Niall opened the door, a shocked look on his face as soon as he recognized the curly headed boy in front of him.

„Harry! What are you doing here already?", he looked back inside with a worried look before looking at Harry again. „You're not supposed to be here yet. The job starts at 11 pm, Louis was going to pick you up!"

He heard something rustle inside the house, but he couldn't see what it was because Niall left the door open just a tiny bit so he could look outside and talk to Harry.

„I-I'm sorry", Harry stuttered. „I forgot my phone and I didn't want to be late since I didn't know where to be and when. Zayns house was the only place I knew..."

Niall sighed and looked over his shoulder again. When he turned around to face Harry again, he made a casual gesture with his head, showing him he could come in.

„Alright, come in then" And he was all cool again.

When Harry walked through the door shyly, he saw Liam, Zayn and Louis standing there awkwardly, each one in a different spot, and watching him entering. They were all dressed in black equally, just like Niall and himself.

Louis had a burning cigarette in the left side of his mouth with little strings of smoke lingering into the air above while leaning against the couch behind him. He looked Harry up and down.

„I'm sorry if I was interrupting something", Harry again apologized quietly and looked at the marble floor. He felt really insecure now being under the stare of these four intimidating guys. He shouldn't have come by himself, he should have just waited until they took care of it.

„Bullshit", Louis murmured harshly, but immediately controlled himself again. „You aren't interrupting anything.", he said a bit calmer but still seemed pissed.

Liam cleared his throat.

„Louis", he then said. „Don't you wanna give Harry a little guided tour around the house?", but it sounded like there was a bigger meaning behind it.

„Why me?", he said outraged,

„Because you were the one dragging him into this whole situation, remember?", Liam now sounded a bit reproachful.

Louis rolled his eyes while taking the cigarette between his fingers and blowing the smoke out of one corner of his mouth. „Fine. Come with me"

„But I already know-„

„I said come with me!"

Harry stopped talking and followed him without any other hesitations.

When they went upstairs and he was alone with Louis, he dared to ask him about his phone. Any other question would probably be the death of him.

„Can I maybe get my phone back?" He prayed that it survived the little swimming lesson due to the rice it has been in for the past two nights.

Louis just shrugged but headed towards the direction of the kitchen, where Harry saw his phone the last time. Louis was a few steps ahead of him, but when he opened the door energetically, he froze so immediate, that Harry nearly bumped into him from behind. Louis closed the door as quickly as he opened it, but Harry could still see a little flicker of the usually white tile floor. It was red.


„You cant get your phone"

„Was that blood?"


„What was it then?"


„Ketchup? Are you kiddin me?"

„No, why should I?"

„Then let me go get my phone back"

„I said no."


„Stop provocating me!!", Louis suddenly shouted and let Harry flinch.

„Is everything ok up there?", Harry heard Nialls muffled voice from somewhere under the staircases.

Louis took a deep breath. „Yep, just the freak going on my nerves."

„Okay" and it was quiet again. Was freak his new nickname? However, Harry didn't like it.

„Let's go", Louis hissed and moved along the floor again.

„Where are we going now?"

„Somewhere I can beat the shit out of you"

Harry stopped walking immediately, as the blood shot out of his face. Would he actually do that? Now? Right before his task? But if he was honest, he wouldn't actually be surprised if he did it. Louis turned around when he noticed him not following him.

„Just kiddin" But there was no sense of humor on his face.

Harry wasn't so sure about that but what could he do? Louis could beat him everywhere he wanted and the other boys would probably even help him. So he just went on following him through the house.

„We are going to get to the job in different cars tonight.", Louis again spoke. „You're coming with me so I can keep an eye on you."

Harry said nothing. He just hoped the night would pass by as quickly as possible. He had a bad feeling about it. But he couldn't help but get more and more curious since the boys acted so strange today.

Maybe he should look inside that damn backpack....


Heyy :)

A little shorter chapter but whatever...
Do you think Harry should look inside? 😌

Also, happy 500 views 😭 Thank you all so much you are the best!!
All the love

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