S.O.S. Part 1

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"What happened?" Skye asked, helping her mother up. "Gonzales--he--he said that we were--that Inhumans should be exterminated. He had a gun," people were gathering around, staring at the injured Inhuman leader. "No, stay with me, please. Gordon will take care of him. Get everyone to safety," Lincoln started leading every away as Simmons kneeled in front of Jiaying. "Let me take a look at that," she offered. "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s done enough. We have our own doctors. I'll be fine in time. Right now we have more pressing concerns," Jiaying said.

"You should get out of here," Skye warned her. "What about you?" she asked. "I--" Skye couldn't respond. "Come on," Simmons took off running. "We need to get you to one of the doctors," Lincoln had returned, helping Jiaying up.

A Quinjet appeared out of nowhere, missiles appearing and launching from the aircraft. Out of panic, I threw my arms up around me, not having any idea what else to do. My ears rang and everything was distorted, but I hadn't been hit by anything, other than a wave of tiredness. A gunshot fired towards me, but the bullet somehow slowed, allowing me to step out of the way. I charged the man who tried to shoot me, wrenching the gun out of his grasp and shooting him in the thigh.

"Asya, stop!" May ran towards me. "What the hell is going on?!" I shouted over the noise. "That's what we're trying to figure out, but you need to stand down," the panic was causing me to start phasing again. "I need to see Gonzales. Where is he? We can fix this," I shrugged, unable to speak. "Shit. Alright, follow me. We need to get out of here," I followed her back to a loaded Quinjet, where Simmons was talking to Coulson.


The Playground, Location: Classified

"You want to tell me what you're really doing here?" Coulson asked after removing Zabo's headphones. "Sure. I'm a present, a gift horse...a peace offering from my family. I'm also an excellent Shangai Rummy partner," he put the headphones back on, and Zabo was carried away. "Sir, I'm worried he's more of a Trojan horse. I believe Cal took these before he was handed over to us. I'm going to analyze them in the lab," Simmons said, holding up some sort of golden fluid. "Go," he instructed, and Simmons headed off down the hall. "Have we lost Skye?" he asked.

"We didn't lose Skye. She chose,"


"Skye's mother orchestrated the entire thing. It was a performance. The Quinjet they stole only fired on the one building. Nobody got hurt," Coulson said, banishing some footage. "Except Commander Gonzales. It either killed him or destroyed any evidence of foul play against him," Simmons said. "If it's theater, it worked. Every Inhuman there believes S.H.I.E.L.D. attacked their leader and declared war," I said. "Including Skye," Simmons muttered. "Then mark that down as the second time S.H.I.E.L.D. got played today," Hunter said, coming in.

"Figured out what happened to Agent Morse. She left on a Quinjet with...you," Fitz pulled up footage of May and Bobbi leaving the Playground. "I didn't leave with Bobbi. That's--" May started. "Agent Thirty-three," Coulson finished. "She killed her guard, stashed him under a blanket in Vault C, then boarded a Quinjet posing as May," Fitz revealed.

"But why? I don't understand," Simmons fretted. "The Quinjet's transponder went dark outside Aranda de Duero in Spain. I'm gonna need a pilot," Hunter said. "With pleasure,"


"This reeks of Ward. He left Agent Thirty-three here for this very purpose," I said, heading down the hall with Coulson, Hunter, and May. "But why take Bob? Did she have history with him?" Hunter asked. "Not that I know of, but Ward's logic is rarely logical. There's a piece we don't understand yet," Coulson said. "There's a piece that Ward doesn't understand. When I find him, I'm going to kill him," May said. "Glad we're all on the same page," I commented.


I saw Coulson and a random agent carrying Zabo into the medical ward and followed after them. "What happened to him?" I asked. "He's flatlining," Coulson explained. "Clear," Simmons said, pressing paddles to his chest. His back arched, but he was still flatlining.

"No response," Fitz said. "We can't lose him," I said. "But Coulson said he wanted to kill us," Fitz objected. "He's Skye's father. We have to try," I said in a tone that made it clear I wasn't going to debate this. "I'm doing what I can. Get me an adrenaline injector, one milligram," Simmons said, rushing around as she tried to save him.

Fitz passed her the needle, and she jabbed it into Zabo's neck. He gasped, convulsing as he fell off the bed, grunting and groaning. He stood up, huffing and panting. "You were looking for a monster?" he asked aggressively. "Everybody out!" Coulson ordered.

"Hmm. This is what I was missing," Zabo said, picking up the adrenaline needle. "Cal. Cal, listen to me," he grabbed the end of the bed, shoving it against the wall. We backed out, Coulson sealing the doors behind us. "Cal, I can take you to Daisy, but you need to calm down," Coulson said. "This is me calm, Phil," he started banging against the glass, and we backed up further.

"Fitz, I'm open to suggestions," Coulson said. "ICERS are a good start,"  Fitz said, holding out one of the guns. "Agreed. I gotta admit, I'm not sure these will do anything but piss him off," Coulson admitted. "There are more lethal solutions," Simmons said. "Not yet. He's Skye's father--or at least he was. I'm hoping there's still a sliver of the man who--uh-oh," Zabo burst through the glass, and we unloaded our ICERS into him.

"Oh. There goes the feeling in my legs," Zabo exclaimed, sounding quite loopy. "Get out of here," I told the scientists. "But, Asya, you--" Fitz started. "Now!" I shouted, and they took off.  "Cal..." Coulson started.

"Phil...time for you and Iva to go night-night. Time for the big sleep. Time to die. For everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. to die!" he shoved a desk to the side, brandishing his arms at us. "This is Jiaying's plan, not yours," Coulson said. "So what? I've always done whatever she asks. It makes me happy. It's why she loves me," he grabbed an oxygen tank, and we decided this was the best time to flee. Glass shattered on our heels, spurring us on.

"Uh, go that way! Go find Fitz-Simmons and lead them to the hangar!" I shouted, pointing in a random direction. "What will you do?" Coulson asked. "I've got a plan!" I shouted, taking off towards the hangar. I climbed into a car, waiting for Zabo to appear. He did soon enough, following Coulson, Fitz, and Simmons.

I slammed on the gas, ramming Zabo into a wall and pinning him there. "Now, it's just you and me," Coulson said as I climbed out. 

"And we're gonna talk,"

a/n I'm just gonna leave this here...

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