One Door Closes

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"You know those gluten-free biscuits you tossed? Yeah, those were from Simmons. Coulson left us the Little Debbie Snack Cakes, though," Skye said, turning off her call with Simmons. "What she doesn't know can't hurt her," I shrugged. Later that night, we sat in front of the fire, Skye constantly staring at her gauntlets. "We should put them on," I said, and she nodded, standing up and going over to them, picking them up. She winced as she pulled up her sleeves, revealing her mottled skin.

 She put them on and they warbled slightly when they were fully on. Nervously, I grabbed the bands and slid them onto my upper arms. The glitching stopped, and I could properly use my arms. They felt cold against my skin, and they were tight, but not to the point that it actively bothered me. "Skye, look I'm no--what was that?" There was an electrical sound outside.

"Get the curtains," I ordered, going over to the panel by the door and making sure the base was secure. I grabbed the poker, which had been left in the fire so the tip was red-hot, brandishing it as a weapon. There was a loud knock at the door, and I tensed up, my body ready like a coil. Skye went over, opening the door to reveal a man with no eyes. "Hello, Skye, Asya. I'm Gordon. May I come in?" He stepped into the house, his arms folded behind him.

"So, what is the plan with that?" His head was pointed towards the poker in my hand. "You...You can see?" Skye stuttered. "Not the way you do, but I can see you are afraid. You don't need to me. Not with me," he said. "Who are you?" I demanded. "I'm like you both. And I've come here as a friend. Can't imagine how it must've felt to go through your transformations without any understanding of what to expect. I had years to prepare. And still, I was horrified by what I became. Granted, I was younger. May I sit?" He said.

He flopped down with a sigh. "This couch is very uncomfortable," he observed. "I wish you wouldn't stare. Th-that was a joke. I'm not very good at them. I don't mind that you two are curious, honestly. And yes, I used to have eyes. They were blue. This..." he gestured to his lack of eyes. "This was the obvious change for me, like Asya's glitching, but what happens inside can be just as profound. You see, the mist changes everyone differently. The real difference between the three of us is what happened after we went through the mist," he said. "What do you mean?" Skye asked.

"I knew from an early age how special I was--had a mentor, a guide of sorts. And the first thing she did after I transformed was embrace me. Tell me, Skye, Asya, what was the first thing that S.H.I.E.L.D. did to you?" he asked.


"What do they feel like, your gifts?" He asked. "I don't know.'s intense. Like a thousand bees are trapped inside of me. And I feel it all the time. It's always there. And I can't stop it," she said. "Why would you want to stop it?" he asked. "Because I destroy everything around me," she exclaimed. "That is simply not true. Every object in this universe gives off a vibration. Did you know that? Nothing rests--animals, trees, people, even this ratty couch. And you--you have the ability to tap into those vibrations. Don't you see? You could become magnificent. But something's inhibiting you, constraining your energy," he said.

"Uh, no. No, no. My, um--my friend's a scientist. She made these to protect me," Skye said. "Or do they protect people from you?" He countered. "No, it's not like that. My powers, I--I can't control them. And when I try to, it hurts me," Skye explained. "Most gifts come with a price, but you could learn to manage it. I apologize. I haven't let Asya speak," he said. "Go ahead," he urged.

" hurts. Not physically, but mentally. I can't speak when I'm intangible, I can't affect the world, and when I go invisible, it's like I don't exist," I explained. "And it's difficult to control," he inferred. I reached up, taking off my armbands, and stopped holding back. I could feel my energy levels dropping as each second passed, so I put the bands back on. "You have the ability to manipulate your particles to make them reflect or absorb light and their tangibility. I apologize. I'm saying too much. This is probably not the best place to continue our conversation. You don't have the tools or understanding that you need just yet," he explained.

"To do what?" Skye asked. "To be who you were always meant to be without fear, without pain. We can offer that to you," he said. "How?" I questioned. "I'll take you to a place where you can be with people like us," he answered. "Us? How many are there?" Skye asked, standing up.

"You can learn about yourselves, your gifts. You can be safe. But only if you want to come. When you're ready, I'll find you," he said. "How will you find--" I started. "Trust me. I'll know," energy crackled as he vanished with blue tendrils appearing briefly.


"Hey, I'm gonna go take a shower and get some sleep," I said, standing up. "How do you feel about wearing those bands?" she asked. "Honestly? I like them. I don't have to worry about suddenly unphasing while I'm passing through something and getting stuck," I admitted. "You said it's straining mentally," she said. "Because it is. I feel like I don't exist when I start phasing. Anyway, I'm gonna shower and sleep," I said, heading into the bathroom and switching the water on.

I stripped, pulling off the armbands, and started glitching immediately. I stepped into the shower, the warmth relaxing me and causing the water to start rolling off my skin. I grinned, realizing that I was no longer phasing. When I got out, Skye was looking terrified, pulling at my arms. "We gotta go," she said, ripping the door open and dragging me outside.

A quinjet roared overhead, a searchlight scanning the woods. "Oh, my god," I muttered, running alongside Skye as we tried to escape. We came across a panel, and I silently gestured for her to hack it. A man in full tactical gear appeared, and I jolted his arms up as he tried to shoot us, sending the bullet towards the sky with a bang. I stared at him for a second, which was a mistake.

He punched me in the jaw, ad I was phasing so much I couldn't land a proper hit, and he kept besting me. Eventually, I managed to get him on his back, grabbing the gun he had dropped. Bobbi and a man appeared in the woods, Bobbi freezing in terror. "No! SKYE! ASYA!" I dropped the gun as Skye let out some sort of shockwave, sending the two flying back and shattering a tree. A hundred-yard area in front of us was cleared out, Bobbi and the man recovering from the blow.

"Oh, my god. Gordon, help,"

a/n So, I got a thought earlier, and I wanted to ask: Who do you ship my characters with/what are your ships within this little pocket of reality (if you have any)? Comment them on the name below with either the person you ship them with (i.e. Daisy + Sousa) or a ship name (i.e. Daisysousa/Sousy)!





any others

P.S. it can be anyone, like for example Ellie and Steve or Rue and Bucky.

P.S.S. Yes, I do ship Daisysousa. Go watch Season 7, Episode 6 if you need convincing.

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