|ღ| Hanahaki Disease |ღ|

Start from the beginning

♡Unfortunately, she couldn't keep the secret for long as they were obviously becoming suspicious of her odd behavior. Not that she thought she would last much longer - the pain in her chest was getting so horrible and she knew that it probably wouldn't take too long before the condition became critical.

♡One of the times (Y/n) had ran off to take care of her business she was unaware to the person that followed her. It wasn't until she felt a hand soothingly - and rather shakingly - rubbing her back while she vomited up the roses did she acknowledge their presence.

♡Even then she couldn't focus on who it was - no, she only continued to wheeze, hack, and cough as the flowers slit up her throat painfully. Her hair was also held back by the person as she let everything out, until eventually there was a pile of roses, petals, leaves, and stems in the toilet below. A crimson substance tainted all of them, as well as her face and the seat.

♡After that mess she was panting heavily while her lungs were desperately trying to gain back the air she had lost. Her mind was also rather fuzzy - it tended to make her dizzy now from how intense these were getting.

♡When she felt someone pet her head gently she tried to croak out a question to ask who it was - she couldn't see them for her eyes were shut in pain and head leant against the toilet seat in exhaustion - but they immediately shushed her. Cleary they didn't think speaking was a good idea with her physical state right now.

♡The minute she heard him speak her heart sank to her stomach and she could feel those damned flowers building up again, "Don't talk, just relax. How long has this been going on for? Why... why didn't you tell any of us? Oh god, there's so much blood..."

♡Norman's voice sounded nothing short of horrified and grief stricken. First finding out this entire place is a farm, and now watching his closest friend slowly dying before his eyes from a rare disease? Why was fate so cruel?

♡New tears pricked at the corner of her (E/c) eyes - she had been crying beforehand due to how much it hurt - as she finally found the strength to open them and look at him. When she did she noticed he already had a stream of tears rushing down his cheeks.

♡The (H/c) haired girl could only shake her head and smile weakly, still needing a moment before she could use her voice. That smile, however, held a thousand words - one that he could understand the meaning behind easily. It only made him even more scared.

♡"Is it... is it because of me..?" The hesitant nod he received after whispering that out completely shattered him. Norman was usually always the calm and collected one in the group, but knowing he was the cause of this put him into hysterics.

♡He had swiftly brought (Y/n) into his arms, holding onto her for dear life as he sobbed into her hair. The poor albino was shaking like a leaf and he just sounded so broken and desperate as he started to ramble:

♡"No..! Please, no! You'll be okay, you're alright!! I'll love you instead - I won't like Emma anymore! Please, please, please..! I don't want anything to happen to you! I love you, too!! Please don't do this to me, I can't lose you..!!"

♡Norman was unbelievably scared, perhaps because he knew of how serious this could be. Honestly he would do anything just to prevent the girl in his arms from meeting such a god awful fate.

♡Yes, he did like Emma; but, he would be lying to himself if he said he didn't feel something for the (H/c) haired girl as well. Seeing this happen only helped him finally decide as all thoughts of Emma were thrown to the wind.

♡There was a relief in her chest the minute she heard those four words. Her sigh was muffled against his chest where he was holding her head - no longer could she feel that horrible, prickling and stinging sensation building up inside her; which, she thought was odd. Did that mean what he said was genuine? It must've, or else she would've had another rose halfway up her throat by now.

♡"That... feels so much better." When she muttered that out Norman perked up almost instantly. He pulled away, only to cup her cheeks in his hands - he didn't mind the blood - and bombard her with a bunch of questions:

♡"Are you okay now? Did it work? Do I need to say it again? Do you need anything? Does it still hurt anywhere? Gah, there's still blood everywhere..! I'll clean all this up, hold on!"

♡(Y/n) could only laugh at his unusual, frantic state. Not a moment later he had the blood cleaned up off the toilet and floor and the flowers disposed of. Now, he was tenderly wiping her face with a wet, warm rag to get rid of the last bit of it.

♡Both were now much calmer. Norman rested his forehead against hers after he finished wiping her face and let out a shaky sigh, "I'm so sorry I never realized sooner. It must've been so painful, and now look at what happened to you... But, I'm here now and I promise I won't leave. I love you, and I'll say that as many times as I have to."

♡Neither were in a good enough state to join the others, so they remained in the bathroom and basically just cuddled on the floor. Norman was still a bit panicked about the whole situation, so of course (Y/n) ended up getting smothered with some affection and sweet words from him.

♡Honestly it would probably traumatize him and he is pretty scared to even leave (Y/n) alone. And he tends to repeat that he loves her a lot, "I love you. You know that, right? I love you so much, more than anything."

♡It wouldn't take all that long for him to get over his little crush on Emma - no, he now only has his eyes set out for (Y/n) and does everything he can to make her happy even with the situation they're in.

|✿| The Promised Neverland: Norman × Reader Oneshots |✿|Where stories live. Discover now