You finished eating your breakfast and left the great hall, in hunt for dumbledore. You thought he would probably be best to find out how you did what you managed to do.

You made your way up to his office, knocking onto his door. As it opened you were greeted by Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore.

"Oh Miss Bardot, what a pleasant surprise." McGonagall said, moving aside to let you in.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"No not at all y/n, what's the matter?" Dumbledore asked.

"I just have a question. Yesterday evening, I managed to almost make a forcefield around myself, pushing back someone- quite far." You explained.

"What do you mean by force field?" He replied walking closer.

"Well I shouted at someone and I almost felt a huge gust of wind exit my body and push itself onto someone else."

"Interesting." He looked towards McGonagall, "sit, please." You obeyed, "you see, this is a rare piece of magic you have been gifted with y/n. One that I have seen before. In your grandmother."

You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Please let me explain, when one who holds this gift is flooded with a deeply strong emotion they have the power to act against it, or well with it. Your mind is physically pushing back those who are causing you this harm."

"Really? That's kind of cool. Is there anyway I can control it?" You questioned.

"If you feel this emotion, whether it's anger, betrayal or extreme sadness, just don't act on it. It's best to walk way from the situation or you may just escalate it." He instructed you.

"Okay, that's should be all professor. And thank you. It's nice to know I share something else with my grandmother."

"She was a great woman you know y/n." McGonagall said.

"Trust me, I know. More than anyone." You smiled and stood from the seat going to leave his office. "Thank you again."

You walked down the stairs from his office and began to find your way back to your common room.

When you walked in you had all intention of just going straight to your room, avoiding any conversation. But that wasn't going to work. The couch was occupied by another group of people, and all you friends were sitting on the stairs, locking your entry. You couldn't even bare asking Fred to move out of your way, so you pulled out your wand instead as you walked and flicked it, separating Fred and George, leaving you room to walk through. You didn't stop once in your walk, you just kept on going, straight into your room.

After entering your dorm, you learn against the door and let out a large sigh. It felt strange. Not stopping to talk with your friends- but as long as you saw the image of their skin touching against one another's you couldn't speak to them.

Not long after a knock was heard at your door. You decided to open it, curious to who it was. You unlocked your door and opened it the tiniest amount, it was Angelina.

"Oh hey angie, you okay?" You asked opening your door fully.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Look I know what happened." You pulled her into your room and closed the door.

"Ange I'm not sure I want to talk about it."

"I knew you liked him. Fred. It was as clear as a summers day to me. I'm only telling you this because I want to move past it. I liked him too, a lot. To be honest I've always had a crush on him since I can remember. I started to realise you two liked each other. So I stole your letters as they came through a couple of Christmas' ago."

"You did what?" You stood from your bed.

"I know, it wasn't my place at all to do it. I'm really sorry y/n, I promise I am. I was angry at you. And him. He was completely off the market, until you. I'm over him now and I'm not mad any more. But anyways I don't know why he's done it. Or her. But I'm here for you. You must be hurting and I somewhat know how it feels. I saw you making out in the library once."

You could feel the sincerity within her tone. "I'm sorry too Angelina. I acted cold to you, I was just confused and angry. But you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine on my own."

"I'm going to go back downstairs. I'll see you later." She gave you a small wave and left
Your room. You decided it would be best if you spent your time in your room doing homework, so you did. You took out your Charms, potions and DADA homework and started working.

You decided to skip lunch and eat some snacks you had stored in your room instead.

When it got closer to dinner time, you finally finished your homework you had yet to complete.

You heard a light knock at your door, so you got up to open it, "Lee, you okay?"

"Are you going to come down with us for dinner?" He asked.

"I'm going to find Adrian and sit with him. I hope you don't mind." You told him.

"Oh no, I don't mind at all." He told you standing at your door, "I'll see you down there then."

"Okay bye." You closed your door and made yourself look the slightest bit more presentable before heading off for dinner.

Fred's POV
Sitting with Adrian again. I know i fucked up, more than I have ever fucked up before. I know I had no right to complain but part of me had a bad feeling she confided in him a slight bit too much after what she saw.

Nothing could excuse the mistake I made, and honestly I couldn't even tell you why I made it. I could see her laughing and smiling with Adrian, but it falling every time she glanced over at me for even a millisecond.

The guilt completely emerged me. And I fucking hated myself for what happened, I need to try and talk to her.. alone.

The silent treatment. Best way of making a point. I know Fred would like never do this to a girl but for the purpose of my story he had made a big mistake that will be very hard to fix.

Hope you're all safe and well,
-i <33

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