"It's rare for me to get scared"He said when we stopped laughing.

"Don't challenge me kid"He smiled ear to ear. He looked like a puppy when he was doing that."Ok that's it. Challenge accepted"

"This won't end well"We laughed again. It's weird that this is not him. They have so much in common.

"Boss, Mr Parker's work day is over"Peter grabbed his phone and put him in his pocket. Then he grabbed his jacket and put it on. While he was doing that I went to my desk and started searching for his pass.

"Kid wait"He was just zipping his jacket when I grabbed his attention"You might need this"I gave him the level 8 pass, which is for friends and family of the avengers.

"Wow thank you Mr Stark"He took it from my hand and he looked at it."See you tomorrow?"

"Yep. Wait, does anyone normally get you from the internship?"

"Oh no, I normally just take the subway"The subway?

"The subway? I can drive you home"

"No no no it's ok I like to take the subway"He likes to take the subway. I didn't use that thing for years and from what I saw no one liked it.

With Peter

 I don't like the subway, but I don't want to be a bother to him.

"You sure? I can ask Happy to take you if you want."Happy? Oh I remember him. Once when I was in the tower as Spiderman he stormed inside the room and took Mr Stark for a little, before returning. Ms Natasha told me that this is the head of security and Mr Stark's best friend.

"Yes, but thank you Mr Stark...for everything."I start walking to the elevator and wave at him, just before the doors closed. I saw him smiling.

I won't take the subway. Changing into the Spiderman suit during winters is...awful. There is this minute when I have only my boxers on, but the second I put it on I told Karen to put on the heater, something I added last month.

"Patrol?"She asked me.


While I was swinging home I thought about today. Just wait until Ned and MJ heard about this. The problem is that I won't have time to see the avenger as Spiderman...again. wait. SPIDERMAN. I almost fell on the street when I remembered SPIDERMAN. HOW I WILL HIDE SPIDERMAN FROM MR STARK? Ohhhh shit. Great and what now? I don't want to quit. I guess i have to be...just...careful? Does that mean that I wont see the avengers as Spiderman that often? Or at all? Ugh. Just great.

I open the door for my apartment after I change in my normal clothes and get inside. I saw May on the couch, watching something on the TV and eating popcorns.

"Umm Ma'am?"She didn't even turn around. She didn't even say something to inform me that she is listening. She didn't even sighed. She just ignored me. I sigh "I-I have news"That got her attention, because she looked at me and standed up. I took the opportunity to get my 'official document' as Mr Stark called it from my backpack to show it to her. She was now standing right in front of me, crossing arms.

Mr Stark made me take the paper home, so I can show it to my 'parents'. I didn't have a reason to deny so I just took it. I handed it to her, while she was looking at me dead in the eyes. She kept eye contact with me, but took the paper and started to inspect it. I smiled, seeing her eyes widen. She smirked and looked at me.

"Good. You can eat from the kitchen for a week. But don't get too much"I smiled even more and made my way to the kitchen, leaving May to read the 'official document' again, just to make sure i'm not lying.

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