Part 29

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With Peter

 Working with Mr Stark was a dream come true. I can't believe that I'm standing in his lab, having a conversation with him about a thing I did. That was the last thing I expected from this day. After around an hour or two he gave ме a project to work on, while he worked on his ironman suit.

"So kid. Tell me a little bit about yourself. Like do you have siblings, or who do you live with?"I didn't look up from what i was working. I pause a little to think. I don't want to tell him about me, living with May. Or about my parents or uncle. Or my very depressed life. Why? I dont know.

"I don't have siblings. I-I live with my parents"My voice cracked a little at the end. I cough.

I can't describe Mr Stark's expresion. Something between confusion and...that's the part that I can't describe. He returned to his work.

We were silent for around 5 minutes, before he grabbed his phone. It's rude to stare, so i get back to my work. Seconds later my phone rang. Mr Stark's head immediately snapped to me. I took it as a bad sign and i begin to apologize

"I'm so sorry sir, i forgot to put my phone on silence-"

"I-Its ok you can answer"Did he stutter? Why did he stutter? I took my phone and answered the call, without checking who it was.


"Hey Peter"

"Oh hey Ned"

"Do you want to come over? I mean now you are free so I-"I felt a little buzz from my phone, but i ignore it, thinking it's just notification.

"Sorry Ned I can't. I will tell you tomorrow why"Another buzz

"Why what happened?"He ignored what I said, but I felt another buzz.

"Tomorrow. I can't talk right now, byee" I said and i hung up"I'm realy sorry about that Mr Stark"

"It's ok... I will be right back"He said and got into the elevator. I was confused, but returned to my work.

With Tony

I was sure that this is the baby. I mean how many 15 yo kids geniuses are in this company? But when i think about it, last night he didn't say a word about how he got fired. And if he was on his phone with his friend, while i'm calling him it's obvious that this isn't him. I sighed and entered the living room. I don't know how i got here, i just want to think for a second alone.

"Hey Tony wassup"Clint tried to get my attention from the couch. I sat next to him and let out a breath"What?"

"Peter is not the baby"He stands up a little from his place.


"I called the baby and his phone rang, but it wasn't me that was calling him. Plus he told me that he have parents. And yesterday he didn't say anything about being fired"I explained.

"...What are you going to do now? Fired him?"I didn't notice Natasha. She was in the kitchen cooking something. But what she said...I can't fired him. He is all I'm looking for for a personal intern. Not annoying and actually helping me with things.

"...No..."I get up and walk inside the elevator.

When I entered the lab I saw Peter, very focused on his project. So focused that the tip of his tongue protruded from his mouth. He didn't notice me coming from the elevator.

"Hey kid"I didn't mean to scare him, but I did. He jumped from his chair. Doing that the chair fell, but Peter was still in the chair, so he fell too. I tried not to laugh, while helping him up. "Sorry" In the end i was laughing. He smiled and started laughing too.

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