"Kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again, it's been a long, long time, haven't felt like this, my dear, since I can't remember when, It's been a long, long time," Jon sang and Raven leaned her head on her dad's chest. Raven loves it when her dad sings, John loses his deep Liverpudlian accent, and his chest vibrates while he sings. They gently sway to the music. 

"You'll never know how many dreams, I've dreamed about you or just how empty they all seemed without you, so kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again, it's been a long, long time," John finished singing and kisses the top of Raven's head. "I love you, Pumpkin," John said to her and Raven hugs her dad. "I love you too, dad," Raven answered. 

"Looks like our breakfast is done," John said and pointed at the made bacon, eggs, and cheese roll-ups on the skillet. "Black magic?" Raven asks. "Any type of magic I perform naturally turns into black magic, love," John answered and placed the roll-ups on their plates. "You made our breakfast with black magic," Raven said and John carried their plates to the table. 

"Yes, and I assure you they will be devilishly good," John said and Raven got her dad's mug and poured some coffee in it while John got the orange juice from the fridge. John and Raven ate breakfast together, Rafin also joined them and John gave the bird pieces of his toast. "Mm, you're right, dad, this is good," Raven said and ate. John leaned on his chair drinking his coffee, he watches Raven eat with a smile on his face, the fatigue he was feeling completely washed away as he watches his daughter. 

Raven might be sixteen but in John's eyes, Raven is still six, the past 10 years never aged Raven. His daughter will always be a baby no matter how old she is, she's still that little girl who never took off her cloak because she feels safe in them until they get really dirty. John is forced to wash them and Raven will be sitting on top of the washer, waiting for John to pull her cloak out of the evil dryer that took her cloak hostage. 

Raven finished her food and went to take a shower, John cleaned up after them, John was fixing Raven's lunch when he heard their doorbell ring. John pulled the towel on his shoulder and wipes his hand as he walks to their front door. "Who is it?" John asks and opens the door to see Damian Wayne. Damian frowns at John and John closes the door just to open it once again. "What the hell are you doing here?" John asks Damian. 

"Heading to school with Raven, I didn't expect you'd be awake, Constantine," Damian answered and stood on their doorway and John stood by the entrance. "Why do I have to see your bratty face first thing in the morning?" John asks and Damian stared at John with a dull expression. "I'd like to say the same thing to you too, your face is an indication for bad omen," Damian answered and John's eyes twitched in irritation. 

"One day, when my daughter decides to leave your arse, I will be waiting with a bat to swing and crush your ba--" 

"Raven!" Damian stated and John quickly stopped talking, John looks behind him but sees that Raven is not there. John looks at Damian and sees that he is grinning in triumph. "Scared?" Damian asks. "Irritated," John answered Damian. "You can wait for me to slip up all you want, Constantine, but I will do everything to win Raven back, and you can bet your arse that there isn't anything you can do about it," Damian said smugly and copied John's accent. Damian looks behind Constantine and smiled.  

"Raven? Are you ready to go?" Damian asks. "You think I'll fall for the same trick twice?! Fucking bastard, do you really want me to crush your teeny tiny--" 

"Dad?" Raven asks John and John sees that Raven is indeed there. "Teeny tiny insect problem! Annoying pests but I suggest using a bug's spray, does the job with less mess," John said to Damian and faces his daughter. "Gumdrop, did you see your lunch?" John asks Raven. "Yes, thanks dad," Raven said and kisses John's cheeks. John's daughter left with the Wayne weasel and John stood by the window while he drinks his coffee. 

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