16: Recovery without Recovery Girl

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Nezu stole one last glance at the girl before hopping up onto Shota, 'Mei, we should get her to recovery girl.'

'NO, no hospitals, no nurses, that's the rules. Venom's better.' The two adults glanced at each other again.

'Rules?' The chimera asked

'Yes, to stop us getting sent away, me, Izu and Rai came up with them.'

Nezu rubbed his chin, 'So you are confident in Venom's ability to heal?'

'Yeah... he's healed Izu a few time already. This isn't the first bomb she's survived.'

'And what would the other be?'

'Well it...'

Izuku bolted up and gasped for air as the two adults jumped back. Mei just looked at the girl in her arms before hugging her tightly, soaking the green-haired girl's chest. Said girl blinked a few times before looking around and seeing her girlfriend sad, so like any normal person she started stroking her pink dreadlocks, calming her down.

Once the sobbing had stopped, the girl looked up at the two adults in the room.

'Hi.' The two just stared back at her like she was crazy. Nezu quickly coughed to cover up his shock and bring his coffee infused friend back to reality.

'So... finish up in here, then come meet us up in my office, a few things need to be talked about.'

'Oki!' She said before turning her attention back to Mei.

The two adults then silently back away, making their way out of the door and into the corridor, careful not to make a sound, before Nezu pulled a sign out of nowhere, making Shota put it on the door, so the two would no be disturbed. Silence engulfed the two until Shota spoke up.

'She was too relaxed, even if All-might sabotaged the camera's and we couldn't see what was happening, the who school heard those screams and explosion.'

'Indeed' His animal companion replied, 'But that's not the issue at the moment... well it is but for now let's focus on dealing some justice.'

'Expelling students is always my favourite part of being a teacher.'

'Indeed, alas though we cannot do such a thing.'

Shota grumbled, 'Bloody corruption.'

'I know, but at least Bakugo will be punished in his own home.'

'Why not just expel him?'

'Well it seems like that Yagi bitch and explodugo could possibly be dating, if we expelled him and she revealed it, it would not be pretty.'

'Again, fuck the corruption.'

Nezu sighed but was silent until the two reached the office and made their way in, meeting three families instead of two.

'Todoroki's, what do I owe this pleasure?' The rodent asked with genuine kindness and curiosity.

'Well' Enji replied, 'It seems one of the students took it too far in a training exercise, so I'm here to see that their punishment is severe enough.'

'Ah' Nezu said as Shota set him down in his desk, while curling up in his special chair beside it, 'Then we have a problem. See that student will not be punished and I also assume you haven't been told the whole story.'

'It seems so old friend' The man stated, glaring at his two children, 'So since my brats won't say a word, please do start from the beginning.'

'All in due course, first the two other families here today, I wish to make it known that if you were any other students, your stunts would get you expelled. But since the world we live in is unfair you get to stay, you'll only wish that I expelled you right here and now.'

The Venom of Izuku YagiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin