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When Rory was six months old Louis started dating. Harry was in shock. He had been too caught up in their baby bubble that he hadn't even considered dating, but apparently, Louis had. He wasn't jealous. It wasn't like he wanted Louis to himself. It was just the thought that Louis might fall in love with someone who then would be a part of their daughter's life that upset him. He knew that would happen eventually. Of course, he wanted Louis to find love. He just didn't think that he would start looking so soon. He didn't say a word about his concerns. Who Louis dated or not was none of his business. They were just friends.

He stayed home with Rory while Louis took some guy named Patric out to dinner. He had just put Rody to sleep when Louis came home.
"You're early." Harry stated.

"Yeah, we skipped dessert. The date was a bust. There was no attraction and he had a problem with me having a baby. Big no-no." Louis answered with a sigh.

"I'm sorry." Harry said, secretly cheering.

"Don't be. She's already asleep? I hoped I would get home in time." Louis pouted.

"Yes, and don't you dare wake her up. It took me forever to make her fall asleep." Harry said and waved a finger in front of Louis.

"Ugh, fine. Then you have to cuddle me. Wanna watch a movie?" Louis asked.

"Sure." Harry agreed.

They brought the baby monitor with them and settled down on the couch. Louis was serious about the cuddles and attached himself to Harry who laughed softly but he put his arm around Louis's shoulders and let him nuzzle in. They watched half of a romantic comedy before Rory woke up screaming.
"I got her." Louis said and jumped up from the couch.

When he had fed her and managed to get her to sleep Harry was half asleep on the couch. Louis stroked his hair.
"Hey, there sleepy head. Let's get you into bed. It's getting late."

He helped him to the bedroom. Harry was leaning heavily on him. They went to sleep and Harry briefly reflected over the fact that Louis was spooning him from behind. It was cozy.

A month went by and Louis hadn't been on any more dates to Harry's relief. They lived their domestic life. They went to work, came home, took Rory out for walks, or just stayed at home. Harry did all the cooking and they cleaned the flat together even if Louis put in a lame protest once in a while. Harry didn't miss going out at all. He loved their quiet life together.

Louis was more restless. Harry didn't want him to feel stuck with him and a baby so he encouraged him to go out with friends and Louis did once in a while even if he spent most nights at home.
"It's not the same without you Haz." Louis whined after coming home early after a beer out with the guys.

"I think you can survive a night without me." Harry smirked.

"But it's not the same. You're my second favorite person in the world Haz." Louis continued to whine.

"Second favorite?" Harry questioned, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"Well, yeah. Rory takes first place. Sorry." Louis smirked.

"That's okay. You're number one on my list too nowadays." Harry chuckled.

Louis laid down on the couch with his head in Harry's lap, looking up on him.
"What do you say about a night out? Rory is nine months now and my mum has been bugging me nonstop about being able to babysit. I bet yours has too?"

Harry bit his lower lip.
"I don't know Lou.." He hesitated.

"Oh, come on! It will just be for a couple of hours. Blow off some steam. Have some fun! My mum or our mums can stay here with Rory. Please Hazza!"

Looking into Louis pleading blue eyes made him surrender.
"Fine, we can go out for an hour or two."

"Great! I'll call our mums right away. Double backup. You're not gonna regret it." Louis said and flew up.

Harry sighed. He knew that Louis was right. A night out would do him good but he already felt bad about leaving Rory.

Two weeks later their mums showed up, excited to babysit their granddaughter for the first time. Harry was nervous and talked twenty minutes about baby formula and favorite stuffed animal before Louis dragged him out the door.
"Rory will be fine. Those to with smothering her with love."

"But what if she misses us and can't stop crying?" Harry argued.

"Then we'll go home. Come on Haz, we haven't done something like this in almost a year. Your best friend needs you tonight. Just try and relax, okay?" Louis said and looked like a sad puppy.

"Okay, but I'll call to check on her." Harry agreed.

"So will I. She's my daughter too you know." Louis chuckled.

They met up with the boys at a pub not far away. That had been one of Harry's demands for going out. He had to be able to go home at the speed of lightning if something happened. Harry relaxed after a while and a beer. He and Louis took turns calling until their mums told them to only call once an hour, promising to call if anything would happen.
"This is awesome. It's been too long since we hung out just the five of us." Niall said.

"But we adore little Rory." Liam hurried to say.

"We know what you mean." Harry smiled. He actually had a great time.

At least until Louis started to flirt with a guy next to them. He felt irritated. This was supposed to be their night out, the guy's night out. When Louis disappeared to the bathroom with the guy he had enough. He looked up to tell the house he was going home when he realized that they were looking at him worriedly.

"Your face says it all. You should tell him." Zayn said softly

Harry stared at them in confusion.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just irritated because this was supposed to be our time out, just the five of us and he goes into the bathroom with a complete stranger, doing God's know what. It's tacky!"

"Uhm, sure. Try to convince yourself that." Niall said.

"Whatever. I'm going home. Thanks for tonight guys. I had fun!" Harry said and got up to get a cab home.

The boys watched him leave.
"Guys, things just got complicated." Niall stated.

"Yeah, poor Harry." Liam sighed.

Louis returned from the bathroom.
"Sorry about that guys. Where's Harry?" He asked and looked around?

"He went home." Zayn informed him.

"What? Why?" Louis asked in confusion.

"You doing the nasty with that blonde over there might have something to do with it." Niall muttered.

"We just made out. Why would that made him upset?" Louis questioned?

Liam gave Niall and Zayn a warning look.
"As your friend he got upset because you dragged him here wanting to spend time just the five of us and you hooked up with some random dude instead."

"Oh. Yeah, that's a shitty move. I better get home to apologize. Bye guys." Louis said, sounding remorseful.

"So oblivious." Niall sighed.

"This won't end well." Liam said.

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