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By the time they had reached the hospital, Harry was screaming like he was about to die. Louis was really freaked out but he at least tried to pretend like he had everything under control.

He parked the car and hurried around to help Harry get out. Harry was breathing heavy, face scrunched in pain. Louis hated to see him like this. He had never felt more inadequate in his life. Harry was in so much pain and there was nothing he could say or do to make it better.
"What can I do Haz?"

"Just help me inside or this baby will be born right here." Harry grunted.

Louis put an arm around Harry's waist and lead him towards the entrance. As soon as they were inside a nurse came up to them and they were shown to a delivery room.

It took six hours. Louis nearly fainted a couple of times but he pulled it together and never left Harry's side even if it was the scariest thing he had ever done. He held Harry's hand, tried to make him breathe like they had been taught in Lamaze class, and took every swearing word and accusation that was thrown at him. He had never heard Harry scream like that. It sounded primal.

He had never been more impressed with him either. Somehow he managed to push a baby, a small human out of his body, and when they first heard the baby cry they both started to cry.
"It's a girl!" The delivery nurse said.

She was put on Harry's chest while Louis cut the umbilical cord. Harry kissed her head, in absolute awe over how much hair she had and how small she was. I hadn't exactly felt like she had been small at all when he pushed her out.
"She's gonna have your curls. I just know it." Louis said softly and stroke her hair.

The nurse took her away for a check-up and Louis laid down beside Harry in the bed.
"You are amazing Hazza. A goddess."

"I had your support." Harry beamed. He was exhausted but so happy.

Their daughter was cleaned and wrapped in a blanket and handed back to them. Harry held her like she was made of glass and neither of them could take their eyes off her.
"She's perfect." Harry whispered in awe.

"I can't believe we made her." Louis said in amazement.

"We got it right on one try." Harry grinned and Louis rolled his eyes at him with a fond smile.

They were rolled into another room but they hardly noticed, too occupied cooing over their daughter. Harry yawned.
"I'm beat."

"Go to sleep. I got her." Louis said and Harry handed him the baby.

Harry fell asleep right away and Louis got up and took a seat in an armchair. He picked up his phone and called his mum to tell her that he was a dad now and then he called Harry's mum to tell her that the baby had arrived. He spent the night in that chair taking care of their baby while Harry got a well-deserved rest.

He fed her and changed her but mostly he just stared at her with a smile on his lips. He loved her so much. Rory. He tried the name in his mouth, whispering it so he wouldn't wake up Harry. Lorelai Rory Styles-Tomlinson.

Harry had a good night's sleep and a shower. Louis had to help him. He had some trouble walking.

Their families showed up with presents and congratulations. They all got to see and hold Rory and they all reassured the new fathers that she was adorable.

They got to take her home two days later. Niall, Zayn, and Liam had also visited them in the hospital, amazed by the little person they had managed to create on a drunk night together.

On their first night at home in their apartment, Louis came and claimed into bed with Harry.
"Is it okay if I sleep in here? It's easier when Rory wakes up. We can take turns."

"Of course." Harry agreed.

Even if their families had got them the apartment and said that they would pay the rent they had declined that offer, wanting to get by on their own. With their combined salaries they made it work. They weren't rich by any means but they got by. They had managed to save some and took their families' offer to at least pay their rent for two months so they both could stay home with Rory in the beginning and they realized quickly that they needed it.

Being first-time parents at such a young age was overwhelming for both of them but they did it together. They were both in love with their daughter. She had Louis blue eyes and Harry's chocolate curls and they never left her side. They almost fought about who would change her diaper and feed her, except for when she did number two. It brought many laughs and they were happy in their little bubble. They shared a bed every night but that was okay. They had known each other for almost their whole life and they were comfortable around each other.

Two months went by fast and Louis returned to his job while Harry spent an extra month at home with Rory. After that he started working as well, bringing Rory with him to the bakery. The owner was delighted to help him out.

Their family constellation worked. They were two best friends that happened to have a baby together.

They followed Rory's progress day by day. Harry became something of a hobby photographer, capturing every moment with his lens. The first time she smiled they cheered and invited the boys to see it. They spent time with their families and everything was running smoothly. People complimented them for making it work and being so mature about it. It wasn't hard when Rory was the ray of sunlight in their life.

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