Deku is dead... 29

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As the Vilnian alarm went off one of the LOV members grabs Deku and pulls him to the location. "We only have about twenty minutes so hurry up!!" They quickly get the makeup on Deku and place him in position. A few moments later All might comes out of the hall. "Young Midoriya!!" Deku fake grunts as the villain applying little pressure. "Give it up All Might!! It's your choice Hero Deku or UA!!" He looks between Deku and the school. Some of the other Heroes approach including some people of class 1-A and Bakugo. "What's it going to be Deku or the school? Time is ticking-" All Might was quick to respond. "Take young Midoriya, I can still find a new container for my quirk." The Villain look shocked as All Might turned his back. The other Heroes tensed up and did the same. The only ones who stayed where Aziawa, Mic, Bakugo, and Oliver. The Villain removed their boot. "W-What the hell?!" Deku gets up and brushes off the dirt. "I thought he would have fought back or something?!?!" Deku nods, speechless. Oliver runs up to Deku and wrap him into a hug. "I will never do that to you!!" Deku's tear slowly run down his cheek. "Thank you Oliver..." Deku ran his fingers through Oliver's hair. Bakugo walks up to them, "What now?" Deku looks back at the villain then to Bakugo. "I'm going to be a villain... Sense the hero's now thing I'm dead..." Bakugo nods understanding Deku's stand point. "But I thought you wanted to be a hero!!" Oliver pushed away from Deku. "I did but I don't want to be in a society that's built on false trust. That crumbles quickly." Oliver nods, "Can I visit you?" Deku smiled and nods, "I hope you know what your doing problem child." Deku chuckles, "Don't worry Aziawa sensei, Present Mic. I'll be okay, plus the Villain's are more safe for me sense my brother was found to be dead." Aziawa pulls Deku into a hug then walks off with Oliver and Mic. "Zuzu, are you sure about this? I mean think about our son... I know Toga's stories of there are pretty peaceful but thing about the risks dumbass!!" Deku reaches up and wipes Bakugo's watery eyes. "Katsuki I'll be perfectly fine. If it makes you feel better I'll give you my location 24/7. I'll be back by morning!!" Deku said smiling like always. Bakugo kissed Deku's forehead. "You smile a little too much some times..." Deku scoffed, "Sorry!" Bakugo's radio beeped from an incoming call. "GroundZero, report back to the UA staff office to discuss current dilemmas." Bakugo put his fingers to his ear. "Rodger." Bakugo wipes Deku's cheek with his thumb, "Your a mess." Deku smiles, "Remember, I'm dead." Bakugo nods.

"Come now, Izuku Midoriya and Shadow King." Deku looks behind him at Shadow King. "Welcome back from the dead." He rolled his eyes, "Whatever." They follow the villain. "Father." a tall man with red eyes and a black lab coat stood in front of them. "Izuku... Son..." His grin was sinister but slightly comforting. "I'm glad you've agreed to join your step brother will be thrilled." He walks over to a panel and pressed a series of buttons. "You called?" Shigaraki walked out of one of the halls. "Ah, yes. Meet your step brother Izuku." They look at each other stunted, "HE'S MY BROTHER?!?!" Both say at the same time. "Yes, now get along." He leaves. "Does he do that often??" Shigaraki nods. They remain silent. "Sorry I tried to kill you." Shigaraki says. "Sorry I almost arrested you." Both laugh. "Want to get a bit to eat? We can catch up over a meal." Shigaraki nods. "Great!!"

"So who is this guy?" Deku snickers, "He's basically my evil twin that tends to disappear for a few year." Shadow king scoffs, "Oh shut it. At least I'm not a fan of an asshole." Deku rolls his eyes and Shigaraki and Shadow king laugh. "So are you dating anyone?" Shigaraki asked. "Yes, why? Are you?" Shigaraki shakes his head. "No, just wondering." Deku smirks, "I'm assuming you want to know who?" Shigaraki smirks, "You'd be correct." Deku pulls out his phone and show Shigaraki a picture of him and Bakugo in front of a fountain. "Oh that wasn't expected." Deku chuckles, "Lets go before that waiter recognizes me." As they walked home Shigaraki noticed the silver band around Deku left ring finger. "Are you and Bakugo married??" Deku smiled, "Yeah!! for about nine years!! Hey what time is it?" Shigaraki checks his phone still in shock. "Uhh 9:45?" Deku nods, "Alright." He pulls out his phone and texted Bakugo. "I'll be home in an hour, make sure Izuko is asleep for me please!! Thank you. I love you!!" Deku swiftly put his phone away. "I need to go down that road, I'll see you in the morning!" Shigaraki looks confused, "You don't even know where the base is." Deku pulls out a tracker, "I've got it marked, night Shiggy!" Shigaraki scoffed, "Smart kid."

An hour later Deku arrives home.

"Welcome back Zuzu." Deku turned around to Bakugo sitting on the couch with Izuko asleep on his lap. "Heh, thanks Katsuki! Do you want me to put him in his room??" Bakugo nods, "Yeah." Deku picks up Izuko and takes him into his room and tucks him to bed, kissing his cheek. "How was your first day?" Deku chuckled as he walked towards Bakugo. He lifts Bakugo's arms and crawls into Bakugo's lap. "What the hell are you doing?!" Deku shoves his face into Bakugo's neck. "Sitting in your lap." Bakugo wraps his arms around Deku. "Want to talk about it? You never sit in my lap unless something happened." Deku nods, "Sure... I found my father, he was the head of the Villains. But then he brought out my step brother which I didn't know I had..... It turns out Shigaraki was my step brother... He's not as bad as I though. I just..." Deku wipes his tears on Bakugo's shirt. "Guilt? Also quit wiping your tears on my good shirt damnit." Deku chuckles, "Yeah guilt is a good word." Bakugo rubs Deku's back. "Hey, its going to be alright. I'm sure he'll forgive your loveable face." They started laughing. Deku sat up and slowly leaded forward to kiss Bakugo. "Thank you Katsuki." Bakugo smirked, "Anytime Teddy bear."

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