"Nezu." 17

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The next day both Deku and Kirishima come into the classroom looking shittier than Aziawa himself, "Deku, Kirishima are you both okay? And where is Bakugo... Maybe he's late." both Kirishima and Deku looked at each other with confusion, then looked at the class. They seem normal. "Mr. Aziawa... Bakugo went missing last night... Did you not know?!" Aziawa looked pissed, he leaves the classroom and walks down to class 1-C.

"I need Shinsou really quick. He'll probably be back." The teacher nods as Shinso follows Aziawa. "What do you need?" Aziawa motions for Shinsou to follow him. "One of my students went missing last night and they failed to tell me, this can put Nezu in jail. So if something is wrong he'll lie, in that case I have you." Shinsou nods. "Alright but your buying me new headphone." Aziawa chuckles. "Alright."

"Nezu." Aziawa burst through Nezu's door. "Aziawa? What's going on?" Shinsou follows close behind Aziawa. "Principal Nezu, What where you doing last night?" Nezu get put under control, Aziawa starts recording on his phone. "I was filing papers." Shinsou looks up at Aziawa. "Do you know what happened to Bakugo Katsuki?" Nezu nods, "Kidnaped, the police told me." Aziawa looked pissed. "Why didn't you tell me?" Nezu looked down ashamed. "I'm sorry Aziawa, we didn't want the public knowing. We knew if you find out then you rampage the school with your favorite student." Aziawa nods towards Shinsou and he stops his quirk. "sorry for brainwashing you Principal Nezu." Nezu accepts the apology. "What exactly happened to Bakugo." Nezu gets up from his chair and goes to his '1-A' Filing cabinet and pulls out a file. "someone knocked him out from behind, maybe some impact from hitting the ground. We found a blood spot from when we last saw him positioned. No tracks or trails leading else where, its like he just disappeared." Nezu hands Aziawa a file filled with pictures of the area and the blood spot. "I see." Aziawa turns towards Shinsou, Shinsou has on headphones with half of it broken off. "Shinsou, do you recognize any of these photos?" Shinsou looks through them and stops at one of them. "This one... this is in the outcasts of the city. I can get more of a read if I go there but what it looks like is this villain is train. They know what they are doing." Aziawa nods, "Alright. so a high class villain. Thanks Nezu and sorry for getting Shinsou to brainwash you."

"Ugh I don't want go back to class." Aziawa smirks, "Who says your going back to that lame ass class, I can teach the whole lesson in one class sitting. Which would take him a year to teach." Shinsou chuckles. "Alright." They enter class 1-A. All the girls are talking about going to the mall, the Bakusquad are arm wrestling, the Dekusquad is studying, and Deku and Kirishima have their head on the desk contemplating life. "Geez your class is wild." Aziawa chuckles, "yeah, they are wild." Kaminari see Shinsou walk in and runs up to him. "Hey hitoshi!" Shinsou smirks, "Hey Pikachu."

"1-A, both Deku and Kirishima are correct. Bakugo is missing. Nezu didn't tell me because he didn't want us to go find him, and don't tell the public. Other than that do as you wish with this knowledge."

Deku looks at the time. 2:43. "Aziawa sensei, may I be dismissed." Aziawa nods as Deku grabs his things and leaves. I need to meat Toga in the teacher's lounge. once Deku got there Toga wasn't there. "Oh well, guess I'll just wait for her. a few minutes later All might walks in getting a cup of coffee. "Good afternoon All might." Deku was sitting at one of the tables doing his homework. "HOLY- GOOD AFTERNOON YOUNG MIDORYA HOW WAS YOUR DAY!!!" Deku chuckled, "Sorry did I scare you?" All might chuckles at himself as he sits down with Midoriya. "Are you okay young Midoriya? You look horrible." Deku clutches his pencil tighter. "I- I didn't sleep well... Kacchan is... Missing..." All might's concern turned into worry. "I'm sorry Midoriya. I didn't know. I-" Deku smiles, "Its alright All might, Principal Nezu didn't tell anyone. The only people that know is 1-A, the police, Aziawa, Toga, and now you." Deku goes back to his homework. "How has your day been All might?" All Might get surprised that Deku is doing his homework while engaging in a conversation. "Its been alright, just doing paper work. Umm, Midoriya what are you doing here exactly." Deku shrugged, "Waiting for someone." Deku peered at the clock. 3:00. "Who gets off in fifteen minutes." All Might connects the dots, knowing that all the teachers get off at three, and the only one who works fifteen minutes after the bell are the nurses. "Is it Toga?" Deku nods, tapping the pencil on his lip. Deku and All Might sit there talking for another twenty-five minutes. "I'm here, sorry I'm a tad late!" Deku turns around seeing Toga with Izuko, his white and black bag on her shoulder and her lunch and phone in hand. "Its okay." Toga hands him Izuko. "I should go-" Deku stops him. "Wait let me explain!"

"So you and young Bakugo have a secret kid, and a secret relationship. And your keeping everything secret because you want to insure that you and your kid's future is safe?" Deku nods. "I- this is a lot to process." Deku awkwardly chuckles, "I know but can you promise me to keep this a secret." Deku's weakness is venerable as he waits for a reply. All Might smiles, "well you've kept my secret. I guess I can keep your." Deku sighs in relief. "I should probably get going, I've got a lot to do when I get home." All might and Toga tell him by as he gets up and leaves.

Great the worse part of the day, getting through the building un-noticed. Deku thinks this every time he has to sneak pass everyone but he has gotten use to doing this that it comes to him with ease. Deku has only on shift tonight. He told his bosses before about his pregnancy and the kid, both of them are okay with it. Deku gets changed and puts on a wig to hid his identity, and put Izuko in a baby sling. He skates his way to the record shop, everyone is standing outside the door again. He skates to the back of the shop and enters the shop. As soon as they see him they go to bang on the door and windows but stop when they see the baby. that's new... he thought as he unlocks the door and people go shopping, he felt eyes on him as he worked but he just ignored it. every now and then there would be that one person who wouldn't stop asking about the kid and want to touch or hold him. Mina and Uraraka walked into the store, Deku decided to act like a fan. When ever they got to the counter he let his actor side take over. "Oh my god! Alien Queen and Uravity! I'm a big fan!" Deku got pictures with Mina and Uraraka and they left. So close... Deku adjusted Izuko's hat before he goes into the back as restocks the shelfs.

ding,ding,ding. Deku walked into the front as he sees a short brown haired girl, he feels his stomach drop. "Hello, how can I help you?" The girl smiles, "mommy left me on the corner over there, she told me that I was a piece of shit. I don't know what that is. How was your day mister?" Deku responds to the girl, "my day was amazing, I had these really good French fries. hey my shift just ended how about I get you a place to sleep for the night?" The girl nods, Deku grabs his things and closes the store bringing the girl to the police and leave after leaving her in their hands.

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