Oliver 26

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"Izuko wake up, It Saturday so no school but your father is at work and I need to run by UA and visit a few people and your going to go see Aunt Toga." Izuko un-willingly gets up out of bed and gets ready. By the time they got to the school Izuko was his joyful self.

"Auntie Toga!!!" Izuko goes running over to Toga and hugs her. "Hey squirt!! I heard you finally got your quirk!!" Izuko and Toga talked for a few minutes before Izuko went into her office and played with his Dinosaurs. "Thank you for watching him again." Toga smiled, "of course!! Now go tease Aziawa for me." Deku chuckled as he left.

"Okay class, today I asked one of my previous students to join me in class today to help with training. Come in problem child." Deku walked into the classroom. "Good morning Aziawa sensei, good morning students." The new class started to ask questions about Midoriya's personal life. "It took you five minutes to get quiet, how pathetic. Live bomb!!" Aziawa threw a live bomb at the unaware class who fills the room of screaming. "I'll meet you in the gym Midoriya." Deku nods as Aziawa walks out. After the bomb was defused Deku instructs the class to put on there gym uniforms and meet him on the field. "And make it quick, wouldn't want another grenade would you?" He chuckles and leaves the room.

"Alright this is a simple in and out rescue mission, five teams Deku is joining group C because of an absent student." As soon as they start, Midoriya meets his teammates in the building. "Alright what are your quirks?" The tall boy with black eyes holds out his hand, "I can produce mass amounts of water." the other short girl smiled, "I am part dragon... flying, breathing fire, etc." Deku nods as he starts mumbling. "Pro-hero Deku??" Deku snaps out of it, "sorry, its an old habit. Have either of you done this before?" They shake their head, Deku scoffed as the doors open and they enter. "Well then your in for a treat." The two student are confused as they hear crumbling and Deku pulls them to the side, a few seconds later the ceiling comes crumbling down to the ground. "HOLY- Why did the ceiling just drop?!?!" Deku shrugs, "You'll get use to it, your first year right?" they nod again. "Heh, I remember my first year... it was absolute chaos."

"Congratulations on group F and C for finishing the quickest, with the help of Heroes, GroundZero and Deku. Now go to lunch. Bakugo and Deku make eye contact, Deku rushes over to Bakugo happily. "Hey nerd." Deku grabs his husband's hand. "Hey Kacchan!! Want to grab lunch?" Bakugo laughs, "Deku we are married of course I want to eat lunch with you." As they got lunch from the cafeteria they over hear students talking trash about a short, Gray haired, boy with red eyes and freckles. As Deku and Bakugo go to sit down they notice the kid, "Deku no." Deku looks at him once telling him he doesn't have a choice and walks over to the kid's table where nobody else was sitting. "Hey kid!! You seem cool!!" Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Umm, thanks?" Deku sits with the kid, Bakugo listening into the conversation while he ate his food. "Hey kid?" Bakugo spoke. "Y-yes sir?" Bakugo notices how the kid was unable to focus on Bakugo. "Are you okay? You seem to struggling at focusing on us?" The kid gets nervous averting his eyes from Bakugo and Deku. "Umm, yeah I'm fine!!" Bakugo rolled his eyes, "Kid, I can tell your lying." The boy scratches his neck. "I- uh, fine you caught me... I'll tell you the story but you can't tell anyone. Not even my teacher Aziawa." They nod as the kid sits up. "There is this one kid in our class, Agunes. He is a really mean guy, if you act up or do something he doesn't like he'll beat you... I got him mad some how and he got me pretty good... Lets just say I can't focus on anything anymore." The kid slumps back down in his chair and eats his food. "What about recovery girl?" Deku suggested. "If I want nobody to know then why would I ask for help?" Bakugo scoffed, "then why did you tell us kid?" The boy stutters, "Ugh, I was just... *sigh* I'm just scared ok..." Deku ruffled his hair, "Its okay to be scared!! I am scared all the time but I still kick ass!! Here what if we can get you in with recovery girl and she doesn't tell anyone?" The kid nods and smiles, "That would be great, Thanks." The bell rang and they go to their next class.

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