New Villains part 2, chap. 20

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"Good morning class, Today we are doing the training exam. So everyone get your uniform on and get to the field." Everyone got there uniforms on in record time and meat Aziawa on the field. "Class 1-A, you are aware of the resent Villain attacks. The board of education has agreed to give us a personal therapist, they are hiding in the gym watching to see where each of you are placed. "Wouldn't they ask us questions? Why do they need a physical?" Aziawa nods, "true you'll do a physical right now then the mental is during the therapy sessions. Now line up."

"How are the results miss. Cece?" Aziawa approaches the therapist after the students go to their next class. "Well the physical just shows me how dedicated to the training they are. It also shows if they are willing to participate in this." Aziawa looks confused. "To put it in simple terms from everything I have so far they are doing fine." Aziawa smiles and walks off. "I swear none of these teachers understand therapy."

Later that day she hears knocking on her door. "Hey Cece, I'm here for my appointment." Cece puts her files away in a folder. "Hey, come on in." Deku sits down, "Woah, your moving offices or something?" Cece laughs, "you could say that, say where is Izuko? Your son?" Deku chuckles, "he likes to hid in my hoodie. Also I'm still hiding him for his safety you know." Cece nods. "Yeah, so how was school today?" Deku nods, "Pretty good..." Cece wipes a tear from Deku's face that Deku didn't even notice. "What's wrong?" Deku scratches his neck. "I had a panic attack last night..." Cece writes something down. "Are you getting them often?" Deku shakes his head, "no not often." Cece looks up from her paper, "what caused this panic attack??" Deku looks away as he feels his eyes burn. "I was thinking about Kacchan..." Cece nods, "I see... I'm really sorry about Bakugo, maybe he'll show up?" Deku smiles hopeful, "yeah maybe." Izuko reaches up and got Deku's attention, Deku takes off his hoodie. Izuko turns his head and sees Cece and hugs Deku. "Is he scared?" Deku nods, "yeah he's shy." Cece opens a drawer and pulls out a rubber toy and holds it out to Izuko. He notices it and shyly takes the toy. He began to play with the toy. "He is never relaxed near other people..." Cece chuckles, "just give him a toy to calm him never friends or family. It always works with kids under two." Deku smiles, "I'll keep that in mind." Cece looks closer at the hoodie, "Is that Bakugo's hoodie?" Deku nods. "I see, Maybe you need to hang out with friends to get your mind off things. Hire a babysitter, get a break once in a while." Deku starts fidgeting with his hands and sleeves. "But what if the babysitter tells everyone about him... or a villain takes him while I'm gone... or- or!" Cece cuts him off, "Deku, I need you to take a deep breathe. Knowing Aziawa he'll watch the kid for you every now and then, or maybe ask present Mic. Both of them have children, they probably won't mind watching him if Toga can't." Deku looked suspiciously at Cece, "How did you know about Toga?" Cece laughs, "Her little ' He's my son ' lie doesn't work on me I can literally tell the truth." Deku chuckles. "Your right...I've got to go. I have work in a few minutes-" Cece smiled, "have faith in Bakugo Deku." Deku smiles, "I never lost it miss, have a good day." Deku gathers his things and leaves.

"What have we gathered about Bakugo's case?" Nezu asked the other teachers, which he assigned to help find Bakugo. "Nothing?! Aziawa how about you?! Do you have anything?!" Aziawa slowly peered up, "Its not much... but I have to go there with Shinsou." The class 1-C teacher scoffs, "What is Shinsou to you? I mean your pulling him out every other week?!" Aziawa fixes his gaze on the teacher. "He's like a son to me, and he learns twice as much from me in a hour than he could learn from you in a whole year so shut the fuck up." Nezu knocks on the table getting their attention. "What exactly do you have Aziawa?" Aziawa points to an alleyway, "I'm interrogating a suspect who claims they saw it happened. Then we'll go from that." Nezu nods, "Alright your dismissed Aziawa, just keep me informed." Aziawa nods and takes his leave.

"Hitoshi, can I please have a kiss?" Kaminari was sitting on his lap, Shinsou's collar in his grip. Shinsou hand his arms resting on Kaminari's thighs, and his hands where in Kaminari's back pockets. They where barely an inch apart. "Baby, you know you don't have to ask." Shinsou connects his lips to Kaminari's. "I love you Hitoshi." Shinsou kisses Kaminari again. "I love you too Denki." They here a light knock at the door. "What?" Aziawa opens the door. "Your next shift start tomorrow, 6:30 in my office... Denki stop staring at me I don't give a fuck what you students do in bed." Kaminari chuckles, "Sorry Aziawa sensei!" Aziawa meets Shinsou's eyes again, "see you in the morning..." Aziawa goes to leave, "Dad." Aziawa chokes, "See you in the morning...son." Aziawa leaves. "He's your dad?!" Shinsou chuckles. "I wish."

In the morning Shinsou wakes up at 5 to make it to Aziawa's office in time. "Hello sensei, What are we doing today?" Aziawa was going through a file. "We are interrogating a suspect of Bakugo's kidnaping. Would you like a background check?" Shinsou nods. "Well they are a non-binary, their quirk is changing the size of their body parts but can only change one body part at a time."

Aziawa and Shinsou interrogated the person in a café, not trying to draw attention to them. "Who did you see?" Shinsou started, "It was hard to see their face, but they where about an inch taller than Bakugo. They never used a quirk, they knocked him out with a bat." Aziawa wrote this down. "Did you see where he was taken?" They shook their head. "No, I ran off after I saw his body hit the ground." Shinsou goes next, "Where did this happen?" The waiter brings them their drinks. "The outer sides of the city, Coral Rd." Aziawa wrote that down too. "Was there any aspect that stood out? Like a tattoo or a scar?" They nod, "A tattoo of a knife on their left wrist." Shinsou stopped his quirk. "Thank you for telling us this information. They nod and part ways.

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