claustrophobic 4

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The next morning Deku wakes up at about 7 since it was the weekends he slept in late. He still got up earlier than Bakugo. Deku was using the first-aid kit to cover up the mark to make Bakugo feel better. Deku thought the mark was very pretty, it was black with what looks like an explosion shape. It wasn't very big. A small Band-Aid could cover it up. Bakugo woke up right after Deku put the first-aid kit away. He got up and walked behind Deku, resting his head on Deku's shoulder, wrapping his arms around Deku's waist. Deku had a hairbrush in hand trying to tame his curly hair.

"That looks annoying..."

Bakugo was still half asleep, his voice was a little deeper than normal.

"It is. Do you know what the cafeteria is serving today?"

"I think it was sausage..."

"Sausage yummy! Alright, you got to let me go, I have to change my clothes."


Bakugo kisses Deku then goes into his bathroom and gets ready for the day. Deku and Bakugo still carrying conversation while changing.

"Is that my jacket?"

Deku was wearing a black jacket from My Chemical Romance.

"Maybe. Why? Want it back?"

"Nah, you can keep it."

Both Bakugo and Deku exit from Bakugo's Apartment.

"Got your keys?"


"What the, why did both of you exit out of there?! Did you two fuck or something?"

Deku chokes on his water bottle.

"We got joined apartments..."

"Oh, that's cool."

"Let me guess, you told him?"

"Yeah, is that alright?"

Deku nods taking another sip of water.

Later that day Deku and Bakugo split off doing their things.

Uaraka and the girls decided to prank Bakugo and Deku by locking them in a locker. They'd already trapped Deku inside the locker, Bakugo was searching for him sensing he was distressed the girls trapped Bakugo inside as well.

"Ugh, what the-"



He was close to fainting. Bakugo took Deku's hands and placed them on the walls.

"The walls are not closing in. I need you to breathe."

The band-aid that covered the mark was falling off from the tears on Deku's face. Bakugo pulled it off, Deku flinched revealing his ears and tail. Bakugo kissed his forehead.

"Take it easy pup."

Bakugo took off his jacket and put it behind Deku's head so if he faints his head won't get hurt. He then ran his fingers along the sides of the door, he found a flashlight on the ground.

At least we can see now.

He couldn't find a way out.


Bakugo grabbed his hand. Deku passed out, Bakugo put his body behind Deku letting Deku use him as a pillow.

1 hour later

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