Chapter five: The Foil

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The brown haired boy just grinned at the name that the other gave him.

"We were neighbours until we were around 7, then i moved and now im back" the boy pronounced, making Corpse boil with each word.

"Why did you come back?" he asked with a not so pleased tone. Mac elbowed him signaling him to be kind.

"Oh, my parents got divorced and my mom wanted to come back where my grandma is." the other boy answered simply, not minding the harsh tone Corpse was using.

"Do u remember that one time you injured your knee while we were cycling?" The girl asked the guy, ignoring the other's presence.

"Ofcourse, you helped me afterwards. I remember you putting on a band aid and then spending the rest of the afternoon together eating ice cream and watching movies." The boy laughed.

Mac then joined him laughing,while Corpse just stared at them, feeling like an outsider.

The boy paused to catch his breath, looked over to Corpse and as he saw him staring at them with blank eyes, an idea popped into his mind.

"Do u remember that one time we kissed?" Carson asked his friend with a lingering smile on his lips.

At the comment, both Mac and Corpse felt their faces become warmer. One out of shame and the other one out of jealousy and surprise.

"Thought you hadn't had your first kiss yet?" the blackhaired man turned to ask the blushing female.

"It wasnt a kiss! We were like 3, it doesnt count." she laughed off.

"It does! Thats what made us 'official'" Carson commented.

Corpse definitely DIDNT like him.

"Speaking about official, didn't you say you brought someone to the party?" The girl asked the brown haired boy.

This made Corpse's attention go back to the male in anger. He had a girlfriend and still decided to flirt with her?

"Oh Sam? Yeah, we'll meet up soon" he answered as if it was nothing.

Corpse was about to comment on his answer, when he noticed his best friend flinched besides him.

"Whats wrong?" Corpse asked Mac

The girl standed up, grabed her purse and responded as she walked away.

"Dont worry about it, girls things, i'll be right back" and with that she disappeared into the bathroom.

The males then stared at each other

"Say, Corpse. For how long have you liked Mac?" Foil asked with an evident teasing smirk on his face.

This caught Corpse by surprise, but he wouldn't let it show. He hadn't told anyone about his big ass crush on his best friend, and he was definitely not planning on doing it. He was sure that at least Felix, Rae and Sykunno suspected it, but he wasn't gonna confirm a single thing. The question relies on why? Well, Corpse wasn't the type to do relationships, everyone knew that. His longest girlfriend didn't last a month. He had never believed in love, he had never felt it. Not with a girl, not with his so called family. Yet, there was just something about Mac that made him feel different. His first thought in the morning would be her, his last thought at night as well. He wondered how she was feeling, if she had eaten, if she was feeling okay. He listened to her audios when he couldn't sleep, finding ease when listening to her voice. Corpse didn't have the best relationship with his family, Mac knew that. But she didn't know the whole story.

When he first started streaming, he was just 14, without a mother and just having his dad. His father wasn't a big fan of him doing something that was not studying. In his father's philosophy, you needed to study to get into college, be someone in life and help pay the bills.

Black Haired Devil || Corpse Husband FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz