"Do you think you'll be able to return to regular education after everything?" Selena asked.

"Of course not. But I should be able to work with Lloyd and finally get started on other things."

Your original plan to make a device that could deactivate IS units at a global scale was too dangerous. After seeing the other perspective that much became clear. It was too powerful of a technology to remove safely and even assuming it would work, it carried the implications of breaking a good chunk of the society.

So the next best thing was a two stage plan. For one: getting rid of the main problem group of IS pilots, phantom task. Then, as a second stage, render the expertise of the platform's creator mostly useless, by making it so any blank cores malfunctioned to the point of uselessness, possibly being dangerous.

If no new cores functioned Tabane's worth would diminish. Not to mention research onto the field would slow down or halt completely. After all, since the technology was so advanced already if not even its creator could get the cores working things were hopeless. Not something that gelled well with your scientific education, but necessary.

As a bonus, cases like the Black Knight and those two Luxembourg girls wouldn't pop up anymore. Bringing the power balance back to a stable point at the very least, with a possibility of seeing a downwards slope in developments.

You had the groundwork for that second part all laid out, as well as the tools to implement it, so the more pedestrian, but also satisfying, process of getting some revenge from Phantom Task was first.


You knew of six members of the organisation. Of them, Madoka wasn't really a problem. This made Selena's would've been pals, Alicia into the best initial target. Being separate from the main group and only in it for a fight with Chifuyu opened at least two ways of dealing with her. Defeating her and breaking or safekeeping the core of Tempesta, as well as bribing her with the match she wanted.

Right now you and Selena were waiting on a terrace, each with a drink and taking turns petting Shiny. Alicia had accepted to come see you. Of course there was no guarantee she was going to be alone or even peaceful after you told her what you were looking for.

And of course you weren't unprepared. A relatively wide range was set to be covered by your anti IS technology if anything more than Alicia's arm was deployed. Though it had taken some convincing to allow even that. Selena really wanted to see her drop whatever she was holding as soon as she entered the vicinity. Other than that, communications were being jammed flawlessly, courtesy of Akatsuki's help.

"I'm sorry. I only date one person at once." Alicia said.

"Good thing this isn't a date then." Selena replied. "At most it's a meeting for the "I'm missing limbs" club."

In the meantime Akatsuki had managed to also complete a scan of the area. No one else from the organisation was there. And you had the place fully rented out, to make talking easier.

"Let's cut to the chase." you immediately said, stroking Shiny again. "We have an ultimatum."

"How assertive! You look like the villain here." Alicia said.

"You can stay with Phantom Task and get your fight with Chifuyu in two days, before you lose your IS, or you can quit informally, help us from within and keep your unit." Selena continued your idea, ignoring her.

"You're begging for a go, aren't you?" Alicia said. "I'll let you know I'm not unfamiliar with 2v1 matches." Alicia said, pointing at you.

"Can I take her eye?" Selena asked.

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