Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Dates and other interpersonal dynamics.

"It really is similar to first shift." Tatenashi said, looking at the monitor. "Do you feel well? Does anything seem strange?"

"No. In fact I can say I'm moving better than before… it's unfair to be honest."

"Welcome to the club I guess…" Tatenashi laughed.

"Seriously though. Experiencing it properly I wonder how I was ever able to get past an IS user. Mind games are an option, but right now it feels like hiding a knife in a food bag at the airport control."

Tatenashi laughed at your comparison. She definitely felt more awkward around you, for whatever reason. So you approached her and hoisted her up, twirling once.

"I hope you didn't like my state yesterday more."

"O-obviously not. It's just that even now… this body?"

"You're going there?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tatenashi began cutely punching your chest with an embarrassed expression. Still as weak to her own treatment as always. You pulled her back in, trapping her hands against your chest.

Since she was not exactly straight on her feet she had to push against you to keep from falling. It didn't last long, since you did let her go.

"Don't worry about me. I can at least promise whatever I do next won't put me in too much danger."

"What do you plan to do?" Tatenashi asked.

"Other than making up for lost time with you there's a couple of people that should've been dealt with years ago."

Laura stopped Tatenashi from saying anything else by entering and going wide eyed. Tatenashi had apparently not told her about the new development.

"I knew I should expect this from the one I chose as…".

"Partener." you said before she could use an unsuitable term.

"I'm glad..." She continued, beginning to tear up.

After hugging her as well you took a step back and looked at the two girls. You had spoken to Selena about some of your plans but she had insisted that you spent some time with the girls first. Some actual time, to get things back on normal ground between you.

"All right. Since my health is confirmed, how about we do something today? Whatever you want." you said, emphasising the whatever. "My only preference is to go outside."

Tatenashi got a smirk and pulled Laura to the side. You decided to meet in an hour outside. Mostly because it would take some extra time for you to find clothes that didn't show too much of the cybernetics.

Akatsuki appeared during the process and began pestering you about going. She had developed a certain interest in relationship, maybe due to only knowing the Tsundere Houki and dense Ichika, but perhaps also because what seemed to her like a rather abrupt change in your relationship with Tatenashi and Laura.


"You can. But I really think you should wait. I'll start working on a body for you soon, but if you give me until this evening I think there's a partial solution I can try."

"Will that make things more interesting?"

"Quite a lot." you smiled, patting her head.

"…Fine then. But if it doesn't I'll…I'll think of something."

You laughed while making your way to the entrance. In the end you had picked some pretty casual clothes, with a baggy shirt and jeans. You still didn't know exactly what the plan was, but you weren't expecting something very fancy.

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