Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: And the cogs start turning

You were in front of the door. Akatsuki had the key and entered first, followed by Selena and you. It was a little cold and the air was quite still. How long had it been? Almost a year? The place had been mostly abandoned since before IS academy.

"I'll go open the windows upstairs." you said while Selena was dealing with the ones in the room and Akatsuki was looking around.

With Selena's room done and dusted you entered yours. The blinds were closed, making the room very dark. Things were also quite messy. Messier than what you remembered. And dust had been kicked up, judging from the particles seen through the light from the hallway.

After opening the blinds and the windows you turned towards the bed. One thing your sister had drilled into you was properly making your bed. Mostly because it had taken a while for you to be allowed to iron clothes. The lump now present almost made it seem as if you were trying to trick someone into thinking you were still in bed.

"Go home, Tabane."

The blanket wiggled a little and settled down. You let out a sigh. The greatest known mind of the world, gone from quirky, to obsessive then to whatever this was. It didn't really erase her other mistakes, but caused you to think… she certainly wasn't the biggest problem anymore. Her presence here was still problematic.

"I'll call Selena. You have until she gets here to leave."

The warning worked, causing Tabane to lazily get up, rubbing her eyes and making her way to the window. She slipped through it and disappeared almost instantly afterwards, your blanket included.

Akatsuki popped up next to you after you had moved to the guest room and began looking around there. This was the cleanest room, since no one had really used it. Things were also covered in plastic foils. Those could stay until later. It meant less cleaning.

"Is this my room?"

"Depending on how things go you could turn it into that. Nothing too extreme though."

You returned to the first floor and made your way to the lab door. It hadn't been broken into, meaning Tabane had not been there long or simply hadn't planned to break in from the start. At the end of the room was a rather simple drawer with some storage drives.

In the beginning you had tried the rather unlikely and dangerous strategy of creating an AI based on the human brain. While you had dropped the idea relatively quickly there was quite a lot of research on the subject which you hadn't had the heart to part with.

"Humble beginnings aren't they?" Akatsuki said.

"You should've seen him when he was working in his room and using paper notes." Selena said.

"While you were struggling to get your school files to work between devices." you replied, punching her in the arm.

Akatsuki didn't react, turning around to hide her expression. She had certainly gotten close to Selena and was now opening up to you, but the situation seemed to be making her feel inadequate.

"And who's going to try what you're thinking of?" Selena said. "The last time someone asked for something similar they were all over the news…"

"You mean the head transplant? Obviously I'm not going to do something like that… Well the publicising part. We'll take care of it during one of my stops."

The lab was closed and you were ready to clean up a little more and leave. If the next week went according to plan you would be able to return here, so making the place liveable was important. Or at least not a pipe dream.

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