Chapter Eight

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"Mummy, I want to see Daddy again" Izzy grumbled getting undercovers as I tucked her in. "You only seen him a few days ago". "But that was forever away". I couldn't help but smile warmly at her, she'd fallen so much in love with him. "Come on, lie down. You need to sleep. You've got school tomorrow". "But-" "No buts. You'll see him again soon". I finally managed to leave her room. I grabbed a glass of wine collapsing on to the sofa flicking through Netflix.

A few hours later...

*Episode Four* I hit play on the remote. Another episode, another glass of wine, another bowl of popcorn. *Buzz buzz buzz* I wiped my hands on my PJ's grabbing my phone. 'I'm outside, can I come up ?' The text read, I glanced to the clock. 11pm. What did he want at this time. I texted him back telling him to come up. I stood by the buzzer ready to press it so it didn't ring for long not to wake Izzy up. I unlocked the door and heard his footsteps coming up the stairs. I quickly turned checking myself in the mirror. Make up was still mostly on, I looked down. I had on my grey PJ bottoms with a Disney tshirt. I sighed, too late to change to something sexier. "Hi" he said appearing on the landing. "What are you doing here? Do you know what time it is?" "You just gonna leave me standing out here?" I rolled my eyes and headed to the living room turning the TV off. "I seen your light was still on" I quickly looked to him. "How do you even know where we live? Not that it's a problem but-". He gave me that look of - really... I sighed, "Using work for personal. Tut tut tut Mr McClyde". He smirked. "I couldn't sleep" he said sitting on the sofa. "And you thought you'd come here at 11pm" He nodded. "I'm going on tour next week and their's nothing I can do to get out of it". "Ah" I responded nodding remembering when we'd have these talks. "How am I gonna tell Izzy?" He looked to me for guidance, his face looked so cut up about the whole thing. "We'll tell her, and.. and she'll just have to get used to it". He sighed leaning back relaxing on to the sofa. It wasn't very often he slumped like that. "I already broke your heart, I can't bear breaking hers with this. She's so young to fully understand". I inhaled quietly feeling a tingle going down my spine hearing those words again. "How long?" "Three months, minumum. I'm off tomorrow and the weekend to say my goodbyes then Brize Norton Tuesday" I nodded, I hated these times. "She'll adjust to it, she's got her Father's way of dealing with things. And by the way my heart is healing slowly". As I finished my sentence I leaned over placing my hand on top of his and kissed his cheek. I pulled back feeling that spark again. He didn't take his eyes off me. "What are you doing tomorrow?" "I've gotta go to the bakery in the morning and do my monthly order but nothing after that". "Why don't we spend the day together. Really catch up. Get Izzy in the afternoon and have dinner together?". It did sound like a perfect day. But I was hesitant, would Izzy get confused. Hell, would I get confused. What are we. What does he even want. What if I get hurt again. What about Izzy? A million questions buzzed through my head. "Has going on tour brought all this on?" I asked trying to sound a little more serious. He paused for a moment before answering. "Partly, but I want to figure us out. If not for us, but for Izzy at least". I couldn't not agree, we needed to find out where we were headed. Whether it be together or just parents. This is for life. "Meet me at 1030 at the bakery?" "I'll be there" he replied smiling as I started to yawn. The tiredness had hit me. "I'll head and let you get to bed" We both stood up nearly making our way to the door. He scanned his eyes round, his eyes fell on the door that was closed before locking those puppy dog eyes with me. I shook my head smirking. "Go on, but don't wake her up". He smiled and headed to Izzy's room. He quietly opened the door and walked in and went over to her and bent down giving her a kiss. I stood in the doorway watching him dote on his daughter. She stirred and rolled over. "Daddy?" A sleepy voice whispered out from under the covers. "Hey Princess, your supposed to be alseep". She slowly came round and sat up, I walked to her bedside and switched her lamp on. She closed her eyes immidately with the brightness until she adjusted a few moments later. "What are you doing here?" "I just came by to ask Mummy if we could spend tomorrow together after school". He used hush tones. She wriggled out of her covers and they held each other. "Can we?" Izzy looked up to me and I couldn't help but smile. "Only if you go back to sleep now for school. Give Daddy a kiss goodnight and you'll see him tomorrow". "Night night Daddy". "Goodnight Izzy". He kissed her on the cheek and tucked her back in. I switched the lamp back off and he kissed her one last time on the head and we crept out of her room. "Thank you" he turned to me. "You don't need to thank me Bone's. We'll figure all this out. I promise". I opened the front door for him as he headed out. "Hayley?" "Hm?" "Nice PJ's by the way" he smirked looking me up and down. I chuckled closing the door behind him and headed to bed drifting into a peaceful sleep.

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