Chapter Twelve

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We made it out the taxi and scrambled up the stairs to my door. I barely had the key turned in the door before I felt Bone's arms snake around my waist as he kissed the back of my neck repeatedly. "Mmm, I've missed you so much" he mumbled between kisses. "Come here" he spun me round pulling me closer as he kissed me. There was no stopping us. The passion was bubbling up inside me ready to explode. I just about managed to break out of his tight grip and walk slowly backwards down the hall to my bedroom. He smiled and followed me closing the door behind us.

Hours later we lay on top of the sheets with his arm wrapped round me. "Your hearts beating so fast" I said quietly listening to it as I cuddled in. "No wonder after two hours", he laughed kissing my forehead gently. I could feel my eyes getting heavy as I felt fully relaxed with him. "Hey, before you go to sleep. There's something in my pocket for you before I forget". Bone's sat up slightly making me move which I grumbled at. "What?" I moaned now feeling how tired I was. "Go check. In my wallet". He nodded to his trousers on the floor. I grabbed the sheet and covered myself as I walked across the room picking his trousers up and grabbing his wallet. "Go on, you'll find it". I looked down going through his wallet and pulled out a bit of paper looking at him. He nodded. I unfolded it and my mouth nearly hit the floor. "Bone's! I- I cannot- what is-" I couldn't get a sentence out. "No arguments. You take it. For the bakery, for Izzy, for you. I don't care. I said I was gonna and here it is". I dropped his wallet and trousers and crawled back to bed holding the piece of paper. "Bone's, it's a cheque for £5000. I csnnot-". "Hayley, I told you. I have zero outgoings literally. I still have money saved by. Take it". We bickered a bit more backwards and forwards for the next hour until I have in too tired. I think he did that on purpose.  I eventually fell asleep feeling so secure with his arms wrapped tightly around me.

Three months later..

"Izzy, Daddy's phoning!" She came sprinting out her room and dived on to the sofa. She's coped amazingly well without him. But we both couldn't wait for him to get home now. "Can I tell him? Pleaseeeeee?" I nodded smiling, I loved how excited she was for all this. I hit the button on the laptop waiting for th connection to go through. "Hey, there's my girls" "Daddy!" ...

We chatted for a short while and he seemed to be doing okay out there. I felt so relieved. "I have some good news. I should be home by the end of next week. We're getting pulled out". Izzy jumped for joy - literally whilst Bone's and I giggled watching her. "I think we can do one better than that". I stopped Izzy from jumping and nodded to her. "Go on, tell him" I encouraged. "We're having a baby!" She beamed. His face dropped at first. "Your- We're- What?" He smiled after that processing it as I rested my hand on my stomach. I wriggled my t-shirt up and turned letting him see. His smile lit the screen up. And Izzy cuddled into me. "I can't wait to get home now". We all smiled.

We managed another twenty minutes or so until he was called away. He was so excited and so was I. I didn't want him missing a single moment of this pregnancy. Shortly after I put Izzy to bed and collapsed in my own bed feeling extremely tired. I quickly fell asleep dreaming of the day he was home and we'd be all together again as one big family.

The end..

A very rushed ending I know. But I feel it's time for me to wrap this up.

I hope you all liked it for my first proper one. I might do another but have them both in the army.. haven't decided yet..

Any thoughts let me know x

Sarah X

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