Chapter Eleven

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After spending most of the following day at the park I had packed an overnight bag for Izzy. Bone's had headed back to the base to get ready allowing me to do the same. I put my heels on and was finally ready. "As good as I'm gonna get" I said to myself looking in the mirror. Perfect timing as the buzzer went. I headed out and hit the enter button and left the door on the latch as Izzy ran by me to wait at the door. I heard her call on him as I headed into the living room grabbing our bags. When I came back out, surprise surprise he had her scooped up in his arms. He looked up "wow" escaped his lips. I smiled back admiring his appearance too. "Mummy's pwetty". Izzy giggled. "Yeah, she is isn't she".  Bone's agreed still smiling staring at me. I could feel myself blush. We made our way down the stairs and Bone's strapped her in. We headed off to my parrents.

As we pulled up Izzy started to scramble out of the car and I held the door open for he as she ran up the stairs knocking on there door. "Grandpa!" "Sweetheart" I watched them hug as I approached with her bag. Mum appeared behind Dad. "You look lovely, where are you off to again?" At that point I heard the car door close as both my parents eyes gazed behind me then back to me and to Bone's. "Alex?" Mum called. He slowly and hesitantly climbed the stairs. "Mr and Mrs Edwards" He greeted. They were speechless. "You know Daddy?" Izzy stared up looking at my parents. "Erm, yes sweetheart. When they were in school". My Mum stuttered out. "Izzy give Daddy a hug goodnight". She did as she was told and Dad took her inside. "When did- are you both-?" She couldn't get a sentence out. "Since Izzy's birthday. And we don't know". Bone's stepped forward standing at my side. "I know I fucked up. And I know I've got no one else to blame but myself. If I'd have known about Izzy I wouldn't have left. But I'm here now. And I'm trying to make up for that". "I don't mean to be rude Alex, but it's not me you need to explain to". "Mum!" I snapped back. "I'm not leaving again. Hayley knows that. Well, not by my own accord anyway". I turned slightly hearing that last sentence unsure of how deep the meaning of that meant. "He's going on tour. Leaves this week so we'll be back for Izzy tomorrow morning". "Does she know?" Staring at Alex. "Yeah".

We eventually pulled up at the venue for the engagement part. I grabbed the gift bag from the boot and we headed in. Greeted by both sets of there parents. I left the gift on the gifts table whilst Bone's spoke to Elvis's parents. I looked round the room, a sparkle effect LED dancefllor in the middle with booths around it. So many people. Bone's joined me and we headed to the bar but was cut off. "Hey! You two made it" Georgie and Elvis appeared. Georgie and I hugged. "Where's Izzy?" She asked pulling away. "She's at my parents, she's not a huge fan of loud noise and lots of people". "Awwk, bless her. Next time". "You look amazing by the way" I said taking in her appearance. I couldn't help but stare. Long straight hair draped her shoulders. She wore a white strapless sweetheart line dress which hugged her tiny figure perfectly. "Sneak peak before he leaves". Georgie said glancing to Elvis. "Same tour?" I asked glancing at Bone's then to Elvis. "No, I'm off on a training programme. Although I was thinking when we're all back again we should meet up with the kids". I looked confused. "Kids?" I asked plurally. "I have a daughter Laura". "Oh, I didn't realize". I said slightly shocked looking at Georgie. "She's five and it would be nice for her to have someone who's going through the same thing with her Dad always leaving". I nodded, thinking it would be nice for her to have someone else go through what she has to go through. Elvis and Georgie left shortly to mingle with others and we finally made our way to the bar. "I'd kill for her figure" I looked at Georgie one last time then looked down. Bone's nudged me making me look up at him who had pulled a face. I raised my eyebrows. "You have a gorgeous body. Now drink". I blushed. "You been checking me out?" He smirked raising his eyebrows before taking my hand and we headed to the bar..again. "What you having?" "My usual". I was curious to see if he'd remember. "Beer and vodka and coke". He did.

A few... and an extra couple of drinks later we were sat with Blue, Spanner, his girlfriend plus Peanut in one of the booths. We were howling at the stories Blue had, he was so funny. The dancefloor filled up. I wasn't drunk... but I definetly wasn't sober.  *music starts* It was teh first time I'd paid attention to the song. I stopped frozen hearing the song.

*I want to go out everynight. I want to dance under the discolights. I want to be with you everynight you want me to. I wanna be with you, we can make it right* (Discolights by Darren Styles) I finally remembered to breathe feeling Bone's place his hand on mine. "You okay?" I looked at him. The music continued. I slowly nodded, he wriggled and nodded for me to move. I stood up and he slid across the seat and stood up. He grabbed my hand and lead us through the dancefloor. I heard the rest of them all hoot from behind but I didn't care. We eventually made it outside. "Come here" He grabbed me and pulled me closer. He closed the gap between us as our lips moved in motion together. It started gentle but tension had been building up. Our tongues frantically dancing together in our mouths. His grip tightened round my waist. I still had my clutch in my hand but left my hands round his neck. We both moaned quietly into each other before gasping as we came apart coming up for air. Our foreheads rested against each others. "Why don't we get out of here?" I nodded. We jumped a taxi and headed back to mine. It felt like the longest journey but he didn't let go of my hand the whole time.

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