Secret and a Tragedy

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Princess Marinette's POV:

I sat up from my bed then took a deep breath in then out. I prayed before leaving the room. Walking out of my room I saw Alya watering the hanging plants on the front foyer. Alya, what are you doing here? I thought you had the day off. I said walking down the staircase. Oh, well I saw these plants the other day I was here. They needed water, they were about to die? She said with a sad expression.

Wow and I thought my mother loved plants. Listen do you want to go to the market today. I said. Of course anything for a friend? I'm practically done already? Alya said smiling. Yay thank you so much! I said in excitement.

Marinette I need to talk to you? My mother said. I gasped. Yes, mother. I said with nervousness. Why pick Prince Adrien? She said. Huh? I said in confusion. What makes him so special to you? Mother said crossing her arms. I gasped about to burst into anger but then Alya touched my shoulder before I spoke. What Princess Marinette was about to say Queen Dupain-Cheng is that, God has given Marinette the right man at the right time. He gave her a loyal and trustworthy prince. No other man compares to Prince Adrien, becuase of how storng his faith is. Alya said. I smiled. You talked to your mother about you and Prince Adrien dating. Alya said. More like Adrien did I don't like keeping secrets remember, and neither does he. I said.

No one cares about what you think, butler? But come to think of it why are you here anyway? Queen Cheng said. She not a butler mother, she is an assistant. I tell you this every time. I said calmly.

Assistant Alya's POV:

I decided to come on my own schedule today.

I don't want you dating him anymore? Queen Dupain-Cheng yelled. I can date whoever I want mother? This is the life God chose for me to live and I'm happy with that choice. Marinette explained. I order you to break up with him, now Marinette? She said. No. Princess Marinette said. She groaned in frustration as she bumped into Marinette as she walked away.

There was a knock on the palace door. I opened it to see Adrien. Hello Prince Adrien. I said I opened the door. I need to talk to Princess Marinette, please it's urgent. He begged with his hands in fists. What is it? She said in worry. My father wants you to come at my palace. Prince Adrien said. What? Why? Marinette said with eyes widened in shock. He needs to talk to you? Prince Adrien said as he gently grabbed her hand.

Prince Adrien's POV:

Why does he need to talk to me? Princess Marinette said as we walked down the stairs of her palace. He told me not to say anything but I have a pretty good feeling of what it is? I said in worry. I saw her look at me anxiously. What's wrong? I asked. It's nothing you wouldn't understand? She said rubbing her arms. You said not to keep any secrets from each other anymore remember? I said holding her hands. She then looked at the ground. Hey it's ok if you don't tell me right away? I understand that you may need some time. I said lifting up her chin up to face me. Thank you so much. She smiled as he hugged me.

*arrived at Adrien's palace*

Wow your home is so beautiful. Marinette said looking up at the ceiling and everywhere else in the foyer.

I then saw my father walk down the staircase. Hello, Marinette. My father said. It's Princess Marinette. But please go on. She said with her hands on her dress. Do you know why your here? Father said. No sir? Marinette said as she tilted her head. It's because your dating my son. He said. Ok, but is it a problem? I-I mean is it wrong to date your son? She said. Yes it is in fact, it's so wrong that your making my son sneak out of the castle. He said with his arms behind his back.

Well 'm pretty sure he has a good reason why. Marinette said. I assure you there is no reason Marinette? Father said with a hand up. Yes there is and you know it? I said. My father then looked at me with such dissatisfaction.

Princess Marinette's POV:

Just when I think things wouldn't get any worse. Awe what's wrong? Felix said as he walked down the staircase. Don't you dare ask me what's wrong? I said. You know we can talk about it alone if you'd like? He said smirking as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

I gasped quietly. Please leave me alone? I said in a whisper. What do you think Felix? King Agreste asked. Of what sir? He answered. Of them two dating. I say it ruins Adrien's reputation, Do you think it should stop? Or let them do what they want  King Agreste stated. Well I'm not them but I would definitely say... it should stop becuase it would degrade the Agreste's name permanently. He said crossing his arms I gasped. T-hats what you're going with your son's answer. I said. Yes I am and is that a problem? He said. I-......I looked up to you. You were supposed to be this amazing King and be kind to people. I thought- I began to say before he interrupted me. Well you thought wrong? He said. I gasped with tears in my eyes.

Adrien go to your room? King Agreste. But father this is not- He said before his father interrupted him. Now! He shouted. I gasped in terror. King Agreste, you can't do this? I said walking up to him before he turned to walk up the stairs. Do you want to be banned from my castle? He said turning around facing me. N-no sir? I stuttered in fear as I walked backwards a bit. Now are you going to walk out or get thrown out by my security guards. He said. I groaned in frustration.

I began to walk out of the Agreste palace crying. Ugh I-I can't believe this is happening. I said wiping my tears. Walking home it got fairly dark out but enough for me to see.

Lord make a way for Adrien and I to be together. Everytime I'm with him I feel so safe. He doesn't judge me or hurt me like any other man I have been with before him. He is so kind and gentle and so loving towards me. Help his father know that there is light at the end of whatever he is going through. Make him want to lean on you and not of his own understandings. Amen. I prayed as I walked back to my palace.

As soon as I opened the door my father pulled me in a gentle hug. There you are, Marinette. Where were you? I was so worried something bad had happen to you? My father said. Dad I'm ok. I was just at Adrien's palace, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But something bad did happen. I said beginning to cry again. What happened? He said holding my hands ever so gently. Well I was there and the king said I'm not aloud to see Adrien again becuase his reputation. I sobbed.

Honey I'm so sorry? He said caressing my cheek. I looked up at him and hugged him. What is with the hug show? Mother blurted out. I cried more running upstairs to my room.

King Dupain's POV:

Why do you always have to be so mean to your daughter? I said. No you mean your daughter. Sabine said crossing her arms. Our daughter? Why? I said walking up to her. Becuase she is mean to me. She doesn't show me respect she never does. She said looking up at me. Maybe it's becuase you don't show her enough respect back. I said caressing her cheeks.

Well she is a Christian and I'm not. Evertime I see her, she's always happy and always smiling. Isn't that what being a Christian is all about anyways?Sabine said. Yes but not always. We have our bad times too and we also struggle with mental health just like you. We were just like you but, me and others decided to choose a different path the path of life. I said before walking away. Wait? She said in worry grabbing my wrist. Yes dear? I said looking towards her. I love you. I-I know I don't say it to you enough and you probably don't care for me anymore but- She said before I interrupted her with a hug. I love you, too. I always cared for you Sabine? I never stopped loving you. I know you may not be a Christian but I still love you with all my heart? I said hugging her back. She cried in delight as she buried her face in my shoulder.

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