First Meeting

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King Duapian's POV:

I'm happy that my daughter wants to know more about the Lord. It's literally a dream come true. I couldn't ask for anything more. I knocked on her bedroom door. Come in. She said in a happy tone. Walking in I saw her have a big smile on her face. What's going on? I said as I crossed my arms. Oh, uh? This. She said as she handed me a note.

Meet me by the well, tomorrow

Are you going there by yourself? It can get pretty dangerous in those woods? I warned her. I'm not going there by myself dad, you're going take me. She stated. Okay, What ever you say sweetie. I said kissing her forehead. Please don't tell mother about this she'll flip? She said hugging me. I know she will but, could you maybe talk to her. I said. I will later; Only you, Alya and I know about this? She said. You're getting ready to go there now I presume? I said. Yes, sir. She answered in determination as she put on her traveling boots. Alright let's go. I said opening the door for her.

We are walking through the woods. She sighed in fear. It's ok I'm here with you. I said holding her hand. Thanks Dad. She said. We made it to the well.

Princess Marinette's POV:

I heard rustling of bushes then twigs and branches breaking. Then a boy came out. It was the same guy I danced with at the ball. We locked eyes for a second and I instantly blushed. Hi, I'm Prince Adrien. The prince said introducing himself to my father. And I'm King Dupain. My father said. Let me guess the note came from you? I said said tilting my head. Yes? But why do you look so confused? He said with a questionable expression with his hands behind his back. Honestly not to be rude but, why didn't you just send it to me directly? I said gesturing my hands. It's hard to say? He said with a hand on the back of his neck. It's ok if you don't want to tell us. I said. I was kind of hoping if we had sometime alone. He said. I gasped silently. You'll bring her home safe. Father said. Yes, sir I will. He nodded. I hugged me dad before he left.

We began to walk into the woods a little bit. So um I was thinking? When we danced together remember what I said to you? He said as he walked in front of me. You're very special in the eyes of God and he has a plan for you. He will love you no matter what you do." I said as I got lost in his eyes. I soon as I finished my sentence I tripped on a tree root but before fell to the ground I felt his hands gently touch around my waist. I blushed as I landed on his chest. You ok? Be careful you could've broken something. He said with a little smirk. I gasped.

He smiled. I got a question? I asked clearing my throat. I have an answer. He said. I giggled a bit. Have you always known Jesus? I said furrowing my eye brows. Yes I have ever since I was a toddler. He explained. Hmm? I said with my head down. What's wrong princess? He said quickly taking me out of my thoughts.'s nothing? I said crossing my arms and then rubbing them. You sure? He said as I felt his warm overcoat jacket sit on my shoulders. I sighed. Princess? He said in a worried manner as he rested a hand on my shoulder. I just cried.

I'm so tired and sad of being stripped away of my happiness and love. Please help me Prince Adrien I don't know what to do? I sobbed. Then I felt his arm gently wrap around my back. I may not know what's going on in your castle but it's going to be ok, Princess Marinette. He said rubbing my back up and down. Thank you so much. I said. Then I realized how close I am to him. He felt so warm like his heart was beating fire not blood. Oh I-I'm s-sorry? I said stepping back. No worries? Shall we head back? He said. I nodded. We began to walk back to my castle.

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