Jay:Well if you and I stick together we can make that possible.

Dean:I agree.

Jay:Now for your initiation to make you official members,you just have to sign these contracts and I'm offering you $1,500 dollars in cash to give you a good offer on considering to join our family.

Dean:We'll sign the contracts but keep the cash,not that we don't appreciate the offer but the cash just sounds like a bribe and we don't need to be bribed.

If you were someone else then I'd definitely  accept that cash with no hesitation,but I know that you're a man of your word Jay and if I thought you weren't trustworthy then we would've never turned to you.

Jay:Ok do whatever you want it's your decision.

Dean:Well first we need to sign the contracts

Jay:Go ahead.

They all read through the contracts,and signed each of them from page to page which now means we have new editions to our family.

And I've known Dean for years so he's already been apart of our family since the beginning,
even though he's never been apart of our gang before and that's because he's Loco's younger brother.

So any family of his is considered family to us,
depending on if they're on our side or not of course.

Dean:Ok we're done.

Jay:"Welcome to AOMG,he said while holding out his hand for a handshake."

Dean:"It's a pleasure to be welcomed,he said while accepting his handshake."

Zico:So what now do we leave or stay?

Dean:Who said we're leaving what makes
you think we'd come to a club and not enjoy ourselves?

Jay:Well in that case let's go get some drinks and enjoy ourselves.

Cha Cha:Now that's what I'm talking about!

Now that we got our important business out the way,we left the V.I.P section and went to the bar to have some drinks and enjoy this night club that's really packed tonight.

And that's because I heard the club owner is celebrating his birthday today,so this party
is pretty much for him.

Everyone was turning up and doing their
own thing,until everyone heard a voice from someone speaking on the microphone
bringing all of our attention.

Jaden:Alright give it up one last time for Lil Kid Ghost,so is everyone having a great time tonight?!

Everyone:"Yeah!They shouted loudly from the crowd."

Jaden:Awesome because our next performers are some very close friends of mine,and they were nice enough to perform here tonight for my birthday!

And please guys be nice because one of
the performers is my sister,so everyone let's welcome my good friends Misfits of Society!

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