The Whistling of a Kettle

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This is inspired by a tiktok by @idonthaveaname982

Trigger Warnings:
-Badly written panic attack
-Let's just say that Shoto has already been adopted by Aizawa but only Class 1-A knows.
-Big 3 but only Nejire has lines.
-Todoroki is referred to as Shoto except for Nejire's lines.
-Mentions / Description of abuse.

Shoto's pov

I sat in my seat as I watched the Big Three walk into the room. Nejire Hado, Mirio Togata, and Tamaki Amajiki. The girl, Nejire Hado, started asking the whole class questions about themselves. Like personal questions. I could only hope that she would skip over me. Ever since Aizawa had adopted me a couple months ago I have gotten better. I mean I still get nightmares every night, have trouble eating sometimes, and have really bad panic attacks. The thing is really anything can trigger them, that's why I'm hoping she doesn't ask me anything. Unfortunately I get snapped out of my thoughts by her voice.

"Hey your Todoroki right? How did you get that big burn on your face?" Nejire asked me.

I paused. Stopped completely. The burning. It burns. I can feel it again. The whistling of a kettle. My ears started ringing. I couldn't breathe. I was laying on the ground. Why was I on the ground? When did I get here? There was a voice. Gruff but soft. Aizawa.

"Breath in 1, 2, 3, 4. Hold 1, 2, 3, 4. Breath out 1, 2, 3, 4. Good job copy my breathing. Breath in 1, 2, 3, 4. Hold 1, 2, 3, 4. Breath out 1, 2, 3, 4. Good job. You're doing good Shoto." He said. Just as I started to get my breathing under control I heard Nejire speak again from the front of the room.

"Omg I'm so sorry Todoroki!" She said.

No. Todoroki. No. That was my father. The burns, bruises, cuts they all came back. All of the torture. 16 years. I can't breathe again. The flashbacks. The endless beatings. I can't move. I can't stop seeing them. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Please make it stop.

"Make it stop please." I whined out as I gripped my hair with one hand and scratched my scar with the other. I didn't know how I talked. I can't even breathe. I felt both of my wrists forced away and held together in one of Aizawa's keeping me from hurting myself further. His folded up scarf sat under my head. His gentle voice trying to calm me down but I just kept seeing them. They wouldn't go away. I couldn't take it. I broke. I started crying. Right in front of everyone. But I didn't care. I would do anything to not have to see this again.

"Everyone get out now. And someone tell Recovery Girl me and Shoto will be there in a little while to heal his scratched eye." Aizawa said.

"Shoto you need to calm down. You're not taking in enough air. You need to breathe so you don't pass out. I know it's hard but try. Breathe with me." He said and started counting again.

"Breath in 1, 2, 3, 4. Hold 1, 2, 3, 4. Breath out 1, 2, 3, 4. Good you're getting it. Breath in 1, 2, 3, 4. Hold 1, 2, 3, 4. Breath out 1, 2, 3, 4. Just a little more." He said and I eventually started to catch on. I was still seeing the flashbacks. I was getting better until one particular bad one played in my head. I had gotten home late from school. Midoriya had asked for my notes. Endeavor was drunk. He beat me half to death that night. I had a concussion, crushed knee, swollen throat, 8 broken ribs, and a broken wrist. Endeavor threw me in a box with small air holes and locked me in there for the whole night. I passed out from the pain and little air. When I woke up the next morning to him dragging me out of the box by my hair he locked me in a closet. He had called the school and told them I would be out sick for a week. When he got back from work that day he dragged me out from the closet to my room and had a private doctor tend to my wounds until I went back to school. That's one of the worst ones. It played on loop in my mind. Like my body wanted me to relive the worst thing I had ever experienced. I could feel every broken bone I got that day. Every bruise, burn, and cut. I could feel the pounding in my skull. But it wasn't there. Because this had happened 6 months ago. So why could I feel it? I noticed Aizawa's faint voice in the background again.

"Hey now come on you were doing so good. You need to breathe Shoto. Follow me. Breath in 1, 2, 3, 4. Hold 1, 2, 3, 4. Breath out 1, 2, 3, 4." He tried but nothing would work. 5 minutes later and I still hadn't breathed. The memory was still on loop. My vision was already black around the edges and the last thing I heard before I passed out was Aizawa begging for me to breathe.

Time skip like 2 hours or whatever to when poor Shoto wakes up

I awoke with a gasp as I sat straight up.

"Hey it's ok. You're at Recovery Girl's office. You had a bad panic attack and passed out because you couldn't breathe. You'll be fine, you just need to rest." Aizawa said. I layed back on the bed with a sigh. I have never had a panic attack so bad that I passed out. I can't even remember what the panic attack was about. What was it about that was so bad that I passed out? I was pulled out of my thoughts by Aizawa speaking.

"So are you comfortable with telling me what it was about? If not that's completely fine. But I expect for you to tell me or your therapist at some point." He said. I let out a laugh at the last part.

"Ya I would but if I'm being honest I don't remember what it was about at all." I said as I looked at him from where he was sitting next to the bed.

"Really? You can't remember anything?" He asked.

"Really." I said with a sigh. A part of me is glad that I don't have to remember something that bad though

"Ok well I called both of us off for the rest of the day. That was a pretty bad panic attack. You need some rest, let's go home." He said as he got up. I got up with him and we left the building.

The rest of the day was spent with Aizawa comforting me over something I couldn't even remember but regardless I loved it. I was happy now. Everyday was spent with comfort and love. And although I still suffer from the memories everyday I knew I could push through it. Because with my new dad I could do anything.

1203 words.

A/N: I know this is a shorter one shot but I wanted to write it and see how it went. Also sorry for the very badly written panic attack. I will probably not post for a while because I am going to try to focus on getting some school work done. Anyways that's all. I hope you have a lovely day!


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