Things Can Change With Just One Bad Burn

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Story requested by lillywalkeruwu

Trigger Warnings:
-Mentions of Abuse
-Mentions of Self-Harm
-Panic Attack
-Slight BakuTodo

Bakugo has been bullying Todoroki for a while now. Everyday was the same. He would throw insults at Todoroki about his scar and his life. So much that Todoroki's mental health was deteriorating faster than before. Shouta Aizawa took notice of this. He noticed how the boy became less social than before, how he stayed in his room more often, how he turned down more movie nights in the dorms, how he didn't pay as much attention in class, how he zoned out more, and how his grades were all over the place. He thought that it would be a good idea to pair the two boys up in sparring. He thought maybe that would help them to get along better. He was wrong. He had just finished watching the students go to their respective spots with their partners on the field. He saw Bakugo standing across from Todoroki on the field. Bakugo was in a fighting stance and Todoroki was just standing there. He could hear the faint yells of Bakugo throwing more insults at Todoroki, likely to throw him off his game before the fight. The fights started and everyone else started to fight. Aizawa watched Bakugo and Todoroki, neither of them had moved but he could still hear Bakugo yelling.

"I SWEAR YOU BETTER NOT HOLD BACK THIS TIME SCARFACE! I'LL BEAT YOU!" Bakugo yelled and Todoroki just stared at him.

"WHAT DO YOU NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY! IS MR.PERFECT IGNORING ME! DO YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN ME?! WELL YOUR NOT! JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A PERFECT LIFE AND ARE RICH AND SPOILED DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO IGNORE ME!" Bakugo yelled again. This time Todoroki stood completely still. It looked like he had zoned out, like he was lost in thoughts. Just then Aizawa noticed tears starting to roll down Todoroki's face. Aizawa watched as Bakugo took advantage of Todoroki being lost in thought and came up behind him. He was about to release a powerful explosion on Todoroki's back. Once Aizawa took notice he quickly erased Bakugo's quirk and wrapped him in his capture tape. He flung Bakugo on the ground behind Todoroki and watched as Todoroki fell forward onto his knees. Todoroki grabbed at his gym shirt with his hands desperately gasping for breath. Everyone had stopped to watch the scene and to their surprise Todoroki started to scream.

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT! YA YOUR RIGHT I AM A SCARFACE BUT IT'S NOT LIKE I CHOSE TO HAVE THIS! IT'S NOT LIKE I WANTED MY FACE BURNED WHEN I WAS A CHIILD! THIS ONLY PROVES WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH! HOW IMPERFECT MY LIFE IS! I HATE LIFE AND I HATE MYSELF! I KNOW I'M NOT BETTER THAN YOU! EVERYONE HERE IS BETTER THAN ME! I'M JUST A USELESS FUCKUP WHO CAN'T DO ANYTHING! I CAN'T EVEN HAVE A DECENT RELATIONSHIP WITH MY FAMILY! I CAN'T EVEN BE AT HOME WITHOUT BEING SCARED! I JUST WANT IT TO END! I want my life to end." He screamed and he got quieter at the end, almost to where we all barely heard it. Key word, barely. We all still heard it. Everyone gasped in shock. Even Bakugo looked like he felt bad. Although Aizawa wondered what he had meant by it. Aizawa started to walk closer to the boy. He was clearly having a panic attack and his breathing was shallow, he needed to be calmed down. Aizawa walked up and put a hand on Todoroki's shoulder. At the sudden touch he burst into flames almost burning Aizawa as he jumped back. Aizawa erased his quirk and he and Bakugo slowly approached Todoroki and tried to calm him down, he started to scream again.

"WHY DOES MY LIFE HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS! I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE! I NEVER ASKED TO BE MADE! I CAME TO UA BECAUSE I WANTED TO BE DIFFERENT FROM MY FATHER! I CAN'T BE LIKE HIM! I DON'T WANT TO BE A MONSTER LIKE HIM!" Todoroki screamed. He started crying and breaking down he gasped and it looked like he was experiencing a flashback. Just as Aizawa blinks an ice wall goes up in front of him, stopping his view of Todoroki. Great now he can't erase his quirk. Everyone behind him gasped as a tower of blue flames erupted behind the wall. Bakugo exploded the ice and just before it was built back up they all saw Todoroki. He was sitting on the ground, gasping for breath, and pulling at his hair. It seemed that he was having a panic attack and was experiencing a flashback of some sorts. Which together caused his quirk to get out of control, except we didn't know he could have blue fire. Eventually the flames stopped and when Bakugo blew up the ice it didn't immediately get rebuilt. Aizawa and Bakugo rushed towards Todoroki who was lying on the ground. When they were at his side they noticed that he was unconscious and he had many third-degree burns on his left side.

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