Chapter 31 Crushing

Start from the beginning


"You can't tell me that I'm wrong."

Then he gave me a certain look and I looked back at him confused.


"Who's the special person?" He said with a mischievous grin on his face.

"What- No one-"

"Liar!" Hazel yelled from  Janus's room.

"Why do you do this?!?"

"Because I can! Closet girl!"

"Oh, you're one to talk Haze!"


I sighed heavily as I palmed myself knowing that there was no use in arguing back.

"Sassy snake," I murmured. "If I tell you we won't have to talk about this anymore."


"Fine, it's just some girl at my school who looks...attractive."

"Awe! My little girl has a crush!" He exclaimed.


"What is she like?"

"Adorable! Remember Lu Lu?!" Lexi said popping out.

"I remember Lex. Can we just drop this for now? Please." I pleaded.

"Alright fine. Only for now though." He said with a somewhat stern voice.

I held back a small laugh when he did that. I smiled blissfully while closing my eyes gently. I didn't realize that soon after a blanket was draped over my body. I fell asleep on the couch with a small smile on my face.

_Third POV_

A few minutes later after Luna fell asleep Thomas draped a blanket on top of her and saw a small grin on her face. He let out a small 'awe' before going on the other couch and grabbing the remote turning on Steven Universe. He got out his phone and scrolled through his social media. Little did he know that two of her sides were watching him from a distance. Raven and Hazel to be exact. Hazel still didn't trust him after the incident while Raven was too focused on Luna's safety to even consider Thomas as a parental figure. Today though they were at the table playing chess.



"Oh, how did you know that?"

"I just do."

"Fair enough."

To them, it wasn't just a game. They don't bet anything, they knew better, but they saw it as a test of intelligence. 

"Did you seriously forget that I'm the logical side?"

"No, out of all the others you're easy to handle. Which makes it easier to get things done around here. Besides the twins of course."

"Heh, yeah, and don't forget Jenni and Violet's issues," Raven said as she pushed her glasses up.

"Like I'd forget them."

To no surprise, Raven won and they sat in silence as Thomas went to the restroom leaving his phone on the couch. It was not until Raven spoke up.

"Is this worth it?"


"All of this."

"Don't tell me you're giving up already. First Lexi now you."

"I'm not like her, I'm intelligent. At least that's what I want to be."

"Is it about her 'crush'?"

She nodded carefully messing with a night chesspiece.

"What if she comes to me for advice. You know that emotions aren't my thing."

"I know, just tell her the most logical answer you have and work up from there ok?"


"If she calls for you it must mean something. Just remember that ok?"

"Heh, alright. I'll do my best."

"Like you always do."

The two continued talking to each other until the night where they went to the mindscape to rest knowing that they'll have to deal with her situation for now and lay low about it.






(A/n: Hey guys! It's been around- Wow two months since I last updated. Hope it didn't worry anyone. Life happened and yeah! But Hey on the bright side it's summer vacation for me so that's fun. Btw I'm not dead writers' block and the end of school got in the way and caused me to stop. Besides that I'm alright. Hope you have a great day/night!)

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