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My name is Nikkie Aubrey Swan. I’m Isabella’s cousin and I'm a senior at 17 years old. I was born a month before she was on August 18. My parents decided to be closer to my uncle Charlie and we moved over the summer and I met a few people like Angela. She’s so sweet and she likes this boy named Eric Yorkie. I also met this girl named Rosalie. She’s a gorgeous blonde senior and she has a twin brother named Jasper and Emmett her boyfriend is also a senior. Her sister Alice is a junior along with her brother Edward. Rosalie invited me over and I’m going to meet her family at lunch today. I got ready and drove my toyota camry to school. All the guys act like they've never seen a girl before.


She meets me after my BioChem class where I sit next to this really cute guy named Jasper Hale who I believe is related to Rosalie

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She meets me after my BioChem class where I sit next to this really cute guy named Jasper Hale who I believe is related to Rosalie. Rosalie says, "Nikkie, this is Jasper my twin."

I say, "We met already. I sit next to him in class. I like to think we are friends."

Jasper says, "She's very nice, Rosalie."

I mouth to her, "He's really cute."

She just smiles brightly and we walk to lunch with Jasper behind us. Alice meets us and I say, "Hi, Alice!"

Alice says, "I so approve of your outfit. Do you like her outift Jasper?"

Now, I'm a little curious and I peek at Jasper and he smirks and says, "No."

I pout a little and sway my hips some more and I can feel the holes being drilled into my head. Alice manages to switch with me and I end up walking with Jasper. I mumble, "You know I know you were lying about my outfit. I saw you smirking."

He twirls me close to him and he whispers in my ear, "I know. I noticed that you looked back. I like your outfit very much. It might be a little cold for it though."

I ask, "I thought it was cute and I brought a sweatshirt. What if I wear sweatpants?"

Jasper says, "Mhmm, darlin'. I don't know yet."

I mock him, "Mhmm, darlin'. I like that, Jazz."

He smiles and Alice pops out and has her phone up and says, "Are you coming inside?"

I smile back at him and say, "Let's go inside."

He lets me go and we walk inside together and head over to the table and sit next to each other. I eat some of my fries and Rosalie says, "We should go shopping on Saturday."

I smile and say, "Where are we going?"

Rosalie says, "We are going to Seattle. So you are coming over on Friday."

I say, "Yes, Miss Bossy."

She laughs with me and she mouths, 'Do you like him?'

I wink at her and she frowns and I peek at Jasper and he looks sad. I grab his hand and lace our fingers together. He looks down at me and pulls me closer to him and I lean on him. Rosalie smirks at this and Emmett says, "She's smooth."

I say, "Eh. He's the smooth one."

Emmett asks, "What did you do?"

I say, "That damn southern charm."

Jasper chuckles and says, "Sorry Darlin'."

I say, "Sorry my ass."

Emmett says, "Sassy girl."

Jazz asks, "What class do you have next?"

I answer, "Free period. I would've had gym if I didn't already finish the requirements from my old school."

Jasper says, "I have English next."

Rosalie says, "You are with me then missy."

Emmett says, "Tomrrow's Friday and baseball!"

I ask, "Vampire baseball?"

All of their mouths drop open and Alice asks, "How did you know?"

I say, "I'm a fucking genius."

Jasper chuckles and asks, "Is that your answer?"

I laugh, "Hell no. ... I'm quite observant especially of Jasper. He's in most of my classes. His eyes and how cold he was. He like never fucking blinked the one class period and I know how to google shit. I've known for about a month now. I also see how Edward looks at people when they are thinking. He gave me this very incredulous look the one day."

Emmett asks, "What were you thinking?"

I blush lightly and say, "Not a damn thing."

Emmett smirks now and says, "It was about Jasper, wasn't it?"

I nod and Jasper looks intrigued at this and types on his phone. He sent me a text asking what it was. I sent, 'I don't want your ego to rise anymore than it already has.'

He growls lightly at me and I smile. I sent, 'Honey, you look hot in black.'

He smiles and unlaces our fingers and wraps his arm around my shoulder and I reach up and hold his hand. I get a text from Angela saying, 'When did you get with Jasper?'

I sent, 'The beginning of lunch.'

She sent, :). U 2 r so CUTE!!!

I smile and Jasper sees this and kisses the top of my head. I see Angela show Jessica and she says, "Really! Her and Jasper are so cute together though."

Mike asks, "What?!"

Jessica says, "Jasper and Nikkie are together."

He looks over at us and frowns and Jasper says, "Someone likes you."

I say, "I like a certain blondie that has his arm around me."

Jasper smiles and the bell rings to go to class. I'm bored and I just text him, 'You know what I was thinking when Edward gave me a look wasn't just that you looked hot in black. I was also thinking about how you smell really good.'

He sent back, 'You smell great also.'

I sent, 'You should be paying attention to the teacher sweetie.'

He sent, 'Darlin', I already know this stuff.'

Rose says, "Are you coming over after school?"

I nod and say, "Yeah."

I sent my parents a quick text and my mom is ok with it. I don't live far from them anyways. I sent Jasper, 'What r u up 2 now?'

Jasper sent, ';)'

I show Rosalie and she smirks and says, "You got him whipped in like 5 minutes."

Rosalie looks at her phone and says, "He isn't whipped my ass. LOL. Did you boost his ego?"

I say, "Nope. I got some man candy out of this though. I know he heard that."

Rose shows me the text, 'I got a gorgeous woman out of this.'

He sent after, 'Wrong person. Sorry, Rose.'

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