So alone in love like the world had disappeared

Start from the beginning

''Look I'm not gonna lie, I actually thought you were gonna die out there, stuck under that plane. But then, the adrenaline hit me. Seeing you stuck under that plane, scared and dying, I found this super-human strength and lifted it off of you. I didn't actually think things like that happened in real life. You know, we always hear stories about people lifting cars and stuff after a rush of adrenaline but I never truly believed it until that moment when it happened to me.''

''Ahhhh, I'm having a contraction, write the time down.'' This one lasted a little longer but we  just sat there, and I squeezed his hand so tight I'm surprised his fingers didn't fall off. And then it finished. ''Being stuck under that plane was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. I had never been more petrified in my life. The shooting comes a close second though. I remember we were on the main surgical floor near the nurses station just chatting  and making small talk until we heard a gunshot and I remember watching a person behind you fall to the ground. You basically tackled me to the ground trying to get me to safety, and we weren't even together at the time, actually I think I was with Alex, and you still protected me.''

''That's because I was madly in love with you and I would never let anything bad happen to you, no matter what.''

''I love you so much Mark, and I'm so excited to finally meet our son.''

''I love you too, and I can't wait to meet him either.'' Mark said as he kissed me on the lips.

''Speaking of son, I'm having another contraction.'' I said as I pulled away from the kiss

''Okay that one was 3 minutes apart, I'm paging Robbins.''

''Okay.'' I answered. Very soon, I look out the window and see Arizona heading towards the room.

''Okay I'm here, let me check your dilation.'' Arizona said as she walked through the door. ''Woah, you're 8cm. You're almost ready, shouldn't be much longer.'' she said.

''Mark can you page Meredith and Derek now?  Tell them the baby is coming soon.'' I told Mark.

''Yep, they're on their way.''


*30 minutes later, Lexie's contractions are very close together and she is now 10cm dilated.*

''Yep you're 10cm, it's time to start pushing Lexie.''

''Ahhhhhh, ughhhhh.'' I squeeze Marks hand so tight he might lose a few fingers. Mark is rubbing my back which is honestly annoying me more than helping me.

''Mark stop rubbing ahhh my back, hold my other ughhhh hand.'' I said between pushes. This baby is coming right now.

''Okay you're doing great Lexie, keep on pushing, the baby's crowning. That's it''

''Ahhhh ughhhh.''

''C'mon you can do it.'' Mark encourages as he is sitting behind me with both hands  on either side holding mine. 

''Just a few more pushes Lexie, you can do this. Okay 1,2,3 push.....1,2,3, push'' Arizona encourages. 

''Ahhhh ughhh''

''One more, c'mon you can do it, just one more push.'' Arizona said

''You can do it baby, just one more push.'' Mark said.

''Shut up Mark, it hurts! AHHHH'' And then we heard cries. 

The baby was out. Arizona gently lifted him and immediately put him into my arms. I have never felt a love this strong before in my entire life. I love Mark, but this is pure adoration. I look up at Mark  and we lock eyes for a moment and if eyes could speak, they would be saying 'I love you'.  

''Oh my god, he's beautiful.'' I said between tears

''He's perfect.'' Mark said as we both looked at each other. I kissed him on the lips and then I looked back down at our beautiful baby.

''I'm so proud of you Lex, you're amazing, I love  you.'' Mark whispered into my ear.

''I love you too.''

''What are we naming him?'' He asked.

''Louis'' We said  in unison. (pronounced Lou-ie not Lew-is)

Meredith and Derek stood in the corner of the room watching and taking pictures, capturing the most beautiful, precious moments of Mark and Lexies lives. 


Hey guys, so THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.5K READS!!! I honestly never thought I would ever get this many. Please comment and vote on all my chapters and leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments. So the baby is finally born and his name is Louis. Hope you enjoyed! Happy reading my lovelies xxx

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