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This one is for you felicityell

It had always been HarryandLouis, ever since they met each other at kindergarten and Louis asked Harry if he wanted to play power rangers. Louis was always the pink one. They were best friends ever since. Where ever Louis was, Harry was right beside him.

They started school and were put in the same class, always sitting next to each other. They were inseparable. They gained other friends throughout the years, some in common and some by themselves but that didn't change the bond they had.

As they grew older they had different interests but they supported each other no matter what. Louis joined the football team and Harry attended every game, cheering him on. Harry joined the choir and Louis always sat on the front row every time they performed.

They did everything together and they shared everything, even a first awkward kiss as they hit their teens. They were both curious to find out how it felt to kiss someone and they decided to practice together, having a good laugh about it.

They came out to each other as well, and supported each other when they were ready to tell their families that they were gay. Having a best friend going through the same thing meant the world to them.

Their friends always questioned their friendship. Niall was the most persistent one.
"Are you sure that you're just friends?"

"No, we're best friends." Harry replied.

"But you're so like, touchy with each other. You're not like that with anyone else." Niall continued.

"We're comfortable with each other. We have known each other for ages Ni. Just because we're both gay doesn't mean we're in love." Louis replied with an eye roll.

"But...but..." Niall started to protest and they just laughed at him.

They continued to be best friends all through high school. When they finally graduated they all celebrated at Niall's house. He had invited all the seniors and they had a big party, getting wasted.

Harry and Louis woke up the next morning in a spare bedroom, naked.
"We slept together?" Louis questioned.

"Yeah. We were both drunk, it's okay. I'm glad my first time was with you." Harry answered.

"Yeah, me too. I didn't hurt you, did I?" Louis asked in concern.

"You were very careful. It did hurt a little, at first at least. I'm fine. You?" Harry asked.

"I'm good. Are we good? This doesn't change anything between us, right?" Louis asked worriedly.

"Of course not Lou. A one-time thing." Harry smiled.

Except it changed everything. When Harry started to throw up in the mornings a couple of weeks later they realized that their lives would change forever. A pregnancy test confirmed it. They were having a baby.
"This could be a good thing Haz. I want this baby. I know that we're young but we can raise this baby together. Think about it. We're best friends. We can take care of a baby together. It doesn't have to be complicated. You're my favorite person in the world. No fights or unnecessary drama." Louis said.

"So what? We move in together?" Harry questioned.

"We were planning on doing that anyway. We can be dads and best friends. It's a great solution." Louis smiled.

Harry smiled as well.
"Yeah, what could go wrong? Let's do it! I want this baby too."

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