ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜𝟜

Start from the beginning

I waved bye to them. I slowly walked up to the waiter and gave him my card. "Hi I would like to pay for that table over there" He nodded and took my card. He came back a few seconds later and gave it back. We then walk out side and wait.

"Sneaky you know Wills gonna be pissed that you payed. " We both laughed. "Yeah I do" I smiled.  "Wanna do and instagram live" I asked and she smiled.  "Of course" She giggled. I pulled out my phone and went live. We both walk down towards a bench we could sit at. 

"Hello my Killer Bees. " I waved and Niki looked at me confused. "oh right there my killer bees because every day they wake up and choose violence. There very chaotic" We both laughed. " I'm here with my lovely friend Niki" I shouted. She wave to the camera. 

"Your probably wandering why I'm out side well I got kicked out of a restaurant more like just left. You see the child decided to yell so I took the blame for it so he could eat Niki just joined me. " We both smiled.  "I know we can do it. Can we get  #tommyinnithowsthespagtti trending. Also at him in the tweets" we smiled evilly.  The spamming the hashtag. We both start laughing. 
"Favorite bored game to play" I read out from chat. "I'm crazy good at monopoly" I smiled and turned to Niki. 

" I would also have to say monopoly as well it's Just fun" She nodded " What do you want your future to be like" I smiled and though about it. " I just want to be happy I don't care as long as I'm happy. " I smiled and Niki put her arm around my shoulders. 

"I would have to agree" She said softly. 
Then my chat flooded with hate and new people. I raised my eye brow and Niki looked saddened at my phone. 
"  What's going on" I asked Niki and she pulled out her phone to look on Twitter.   We looked though Twitter seeing a very very popular tweet from Kate the one who almost killed me. 

Kate Wallace 🔥


Her a sound recording of popular streamer y/n beating me up 

I looked back at my live.

" Alright listen and I'm gonna say it only once. That sound audio is false. I have never and will never plan on putting my hand on some one unless they attack me first. Then it become self defense. She is a jealous fan over a friend ship I have. She tried to kill me by chucking a rock at my horse and later that day punched me. I will not go into detail of any event that happen because that's between us. If this gets to the point we're I have to have a serious stream I'll make one addressing it further. One thing to make very clear is I DO NOT want to see her or haters in the comments getting death threats and hate as well. Every one is human and we make mistakes. " With that I end my Instagram live. 

"You handled that very professionally. I'm proud of you" She pulled me into a hug. My heart hurt and my brain remembered everything that was said. That sadist part was I believed some of it.  "Thanks" I whispered. She let out a soft smile. I acted like I was okay but it torn me apart slowly. "Hey at least we got number 1 trending for our  hashtag #tommyinnithowsthespaghetti " We laughed. "  Does it have a caption" I asked and she nodded.

" Famous streamers Niki and Y/n come up with  hashtag just to annoy fellow streamer friend / boyfriend Tommyinnit after Y/n gets kicked out of a fancy restaurant so Tommyinnit could eat his spaghetti. Fans aslo are spamming (yourshipname) calling her a Simp"she read out and laughed.  " Wow apparently I'm famous  and a simp I think I made it " I said sarcastically. We burst out laughing. " I love how we're famous and Tommy's just a streamer friend / boyfriend. " We burst out into laugher. I took a screenshot of the caption and posted it on Twitter. 

Y/n 🐨


Mr. Twitter Caption Man a word may I. 
I DO NOT SIMP FOR Mr. Innit as for he's the simp and evey one knows it. Tommy is terrible with woman and there is no way hes got a girlfriend he also make people cry playing a block game.  POOF Chances Girlfriend no more. #tommyinnt_is_the_simp #tommyinnithowsthespaghetti 

;)   (screenshot)  

Niki and I both laughed our asses off as I posted it.  She replied with True.  "I've probably. Just blown up Tommy's phone" I giggled.  "Yeah let's walk back" I nodded and we see the guys just staring to walk out of the door.

" Y/n how dare you call me a simp"
Tommy yelled. We laughed.  " How dare you say I'm bad with woman. As for I have all the girls in the world " He smiled brightly.  " Your mum doesn't count toms"  Every one laughed and he did to

"Oh shit she just got you there" sapnap could barely speech from him laughing "you couldn't do any better with talking to men or woman" He changed me. " Are you challenging me Mr. Simons" I raised my eye brows.

" Yes" He smiled at me. " Alright to the mall we go"  We walked that direction.  Once we got there we looked around. Tommy stared at me waiting to see my next movement. I see a pretty nice looking boy around my age. I walked up to him with a bright smile.

"Hi you seem lonely may I sit next to you" I asked politely. "Of course" The other sat behind us.  " You don't sound like your from around here" He asked.
" I'm not Im from Australia " He smiled looking at me. 

" That's cool" He seeming sum what into me.  " Have you live here your whole life" Is sked and he smile. " Yeah it's quite a beautiful city" He chuckled. " It really is. What's your name you seem like a lovely person" I asked. " Jackson but you can call me jack. What's yours" He replied.

" Y/n" I smiled. " Pretty name it fits you" He turned a light pink. " Thank you hey I do have to go but can I get your number my family's out side and I need to hurry" I asked handing him my phone.

" Of course " He put in his phone number. I waved buy and walked out of the mall the other follow shortly behind. Once we got out they stared laughing walking back to the hotel. " See toms it can be easy if you make it" I smiled. "   it's only easy because your pretty " He complained.  Did he just call me pretty.

" Thanks " I didn't really know how to respond. I could feel my heart thumping. " Didn't mean it that way but your welcome" My heart shattered. Why am I always let to pick up the pieces of my heart. I wanted to cry but held back the tears. I acted strong and like nothing happened. I did what I always do and put up a fake smile.

Reach For The Stars (Tommyinnit x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now