Part 89 - Home, for now

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After placing a new IV in the back of Marinette's hand, and connecting the tube that came from the plastic bottle hanging on a hook, Gabriel had quickly let attach to the ceiling from a craftsman, with the canula lying in the young woman's vein, Claire was about to leave. She wanted to get a few medications to inject directly into the fluid if necessary as well the CTG from her befriended 'almost' gynaecologist.

"Please try to relax okay?", she reminded the sad and exhausted woman. "The more worked up you become, the more the risk for going into real labour is going to increase. And it's much too early for that, as you know. I understand, that it's not easy, but I promise to be back as soon as possible, alright?"

The young woman nodded and replied yawning:

"I am still so tired, I think I am going to relax just fine." She smiled at the young physician. "Thank you", she added whispering. 

Claire shortly squeezed her hand and nodded, then she left, gesturing Adrien to take care that she wouldn't get up. 

"I'll stay with her and hold all three of them in my arms!", he uttered.

"You my dear boy are so incredibly and overly cute in your behaviour, it sometimes makes me wanna puke. No offense, please, it really is sweet, but to the singles in this world, it sucks", the female accidentally blurted out. 

Adrien blushed and looked to the floor.

"I'm sorry", he began, but the woman just laughed it off. 

"Don't", she said. "I really like that you carry your woman on your hands. There are just those know?"

The model nodded. "Yeah, I know very well!"

"Well then, go and get a hold of your family, I'll be back soon!"

The young man slowly walked back to his wife and sat on the bed beside her.

Placing a hand on her belly, he asked:

"How you're feeling, Bugaboo? Did it stop?"

Marinette answered quietly, as her eyes were already fluttering closed: 

"For now it did, yes. Don't worry so much!"

"I'll quickly go to the bathroom and get ready for the night, and then I will be right with you, yeah?"

"Hmh, just hurry!" Her mumbling was hard to understand, because she was already drifting into sleep.

Adrien pecked her temple and scurried off to the restroom. When he returned after a few minutes, Marinette was softly snoring. With a loving smile, he laid down behind her and scooted really close, to put his arm around her, with his hand on the baby bump. That bump sometimes completely overwhelmed him, as it seemed so grotesquely immense on her tiny, skinny figure.

Smiling blissfully, when he felt his children move around, he was fast asleep only minutes later.

Gabriel was pacing through his bedroom, waiting for an update about the young woman's actual condition.  Nathalie watched him with a slightly amused expression.

"Gabriel, can you please....calm down a little bit? You're driving me nuts, wandering around", she called out to him from the bed. He barely noticed her talk, so despite him 'ordering' her to stay in bed, she slowly got onto her feet and walked towards him. 

The designer jumped as she laid her hand onto his shoulder. 

"Oh damn it, Nathalie! Oh no, sorry my dear, I was scared me. Don't be angry please, I didn't mean to yell at you. Why are you up anyway?", he rambled, while he put his arms around his wife and tried to direct her back to the bed.

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