The End of Chaos

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"Casey? Casey, is there anything else?" Deputy Parrish asked me and I was on the brink of having another breakdown.

"Parrish, she just lost her sister. Don't press." Sheriff Stilinski said and I let out another sob. "It's okay, Casey."

"No. No!" I cried, tears blurring my vision and he let me hug him, sobbing into his chest. "She's gone. Allison's gone."

"I know it hurts. It's okay. Parrish, get her father in here, she's done." He said, rubbing my back to help comfort me.

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry for your loss." He apologized to me, but I didn't care. He left the room to get my dad and soon enough he came in.


I break away from the sheriff and practically run into my dad's arms.

"Daddy, it hurts. First mom and now her, I just... I can't." I sobbed, and he kissed the top of my head, trying to stay strong for me.

"I know. I know, sweetheart. It's gonna be okay. I promise. I love you, Casey." He said, holding me tighter, and I gladly him because all we have now is each other.



"No." I said when I walked into the apartment after Dad and Isaac. I didn't want to talk anymore because if I did I would possibly breakdown all over again.

I walked into my room and I saw Hartley on my bed. He perked up when he heard me, getting up and bounding over to me before whining, rubbing himself against me to comfort me. Almost like he knew something was wrong.

I kneel down in front of him, petting his fur. "I'm gonna be okay, boy. I'm okay." I whispered to him, even though I knew that I was lying. I shut my door, starting to strip myself of the clothes I was wearing when I winced. I look over and see the cut I got from one of the oni. I could've healed it, but I didn't want to. Besides, the people at the station saw the cut on my arm, they're going to be suspicious if it just miraculously healed the next day.

I finish changing into my new clothes, and I look around my room, seeing my wall of pictures, which a lot contained me and Allison. I sniffled, refusing to cry. I was surprised I even had any more to shed after the two breakdowns I had today.

But something bothered me. How did my sister kill that oni? None of our arrows were working, it just went right through them unlike the last one she shot. Something about it was more special than the others, but why? I mean, they were all the same except for...

"Oh, my god." I mumbled, and I look over at the case that I usually kept under my bed but since I needed my bow tonight I left it out. I quickly grab it, putting it on my bed and opening it to see six arrows that I kept to the side.

There was a reason she was able to kill it using that one arrow. It was because it was made of silver. Right before we even left she was making silver arrowheads, but the last four were still setting so she only took one with her. And when my dad told us the story of his first gun he was able to break the mask of one of the oni. What if that bullet he used was also made of silver?

I grab the arrows and run out of my room in a hurry.

"Dad! Dad!" I burst into Allison's room to see him and Isaac on her bed, and they see me with the arrows in my hand.


"I kept thinking about it, I couldn't get why she was able to kill that one oni when none of our arrows were working until it clicked. Dad, what were we doing before we left?" I asked him, and he looked like he was just slapped in the face when he realized.

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