chapter 28

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he brought her next to the gym where there were lockers. he threw her against them and put his hand around her neck. again.

she tried to fight him off. "NATE STOP"
but it just made him angrier. "who the fuck do you think you are walking around school dressed like that?" she didn't even say anything. she was just confused. she's dressed like that for a long time. why does he care now? "and then you have the stupid bitch kat defend you?! you dumb fucking whore" he yelled in her face.

she let multiple tears drop down her face. he let go of her neck pushing her against the lockers one more time and then walked away. she stood there for a second processing what the fuck just happened to her. she then got up and picked the binder up off of the floor. she walked back to her class. and handed it to the teacher. but by time she made her way back to her seat,the bell rung. she grabbed her backpack off of the ground and walked out of the classroom.

she saw cassie walk by. she wanted a hug. and she could use cassie's comfort. but she was going to have to explain why she was upset. and if she did that then everything was going to go downhill. so she just kept walking.
she spotted nate yelling at maddy. maddy turned and saw bailey watching them. and maddy gave her a sympathetic look.

what bailey didn't know was that maddy saw nate throw her against the lockers and scream at her. and if there was one thing in this world maddy didn't tolerate,it was hurting bailey. nate was yelling at maddy because she confronted him for choking bailey. "well she's dressed like a fucking whore" he argued back. "nate no she's not. and she's dressed that way for a while now. and you never cared. and now all of the sudden you're throwing her against lockers?" she yelled.

they continued their fight. bailey saw them arguing. but couldn't hear what is was about. so she thought it was best to walk away. so she did. landed in her next class right next to roy and troy. again. she was just excited for cheer practice. that's the only place she wanted to be.

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